
My 13 year old won't hold my 6 month old.?

by Guest64460  |  earlier

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My 13 year old daughter won't hold her 6 month old sister . she would rather hold other people's the other day she held her friend's baby brother. what can I do?




  1. Try to look at it from her point of view.  When you look at the baby, you see a cute little baby.  When she looks at the baby, she sees tangible proof that her parents had s*x, which is embarrassing and gross.

    (of course, MY parents never had s*x, so I'm only guessing here. :D)

    She'll get over it when the baby gets more interactive and interesting.  Don't force the issue.

  2. Aw i know thats got to be hard! im guessing its a jealousy problem or a security problem (meaning maybes becuase she is related and the older sister shes scared she might hurt the baby or something could happen while she has the baby) im 24 weeks pregnant and my 21 year old brother (whom ive always had a pretty close relationship with) told me the other day he didnt want to hold my baby when it was born or really have anything to do with hurt alot more than i thought it would... i hope everything turns out well!

  3. Maybe there is some sort of jealousy issue going on. I don't see how she could feel more comfortable with a friends baby, rather than her own sibling.

  4. nothing. maybe she is just scared she will hurt baby. afterall this is her sibling and more important than the other baby.

    my daughter was 9mos old before my BF youngest brother,16, would go anywhere near her. now he wont leave her alone. give it time, dont rush and dont force.

  5. stop trying to make her hold the baby and get the baby her  or his on baby chair like a rocker or something maybe she has something animosity with the baby and she probably wanted to stay an only child and shes gotta get use to the baby so just let her do her thing and soon she will like the baby i was just  like that with my bro manman when he was born

  6. My 8 year old is constantly wanting to hold her sister and pick her up. I would prefer if she didn't want to. She picked her up the other day when I wasn't looking and man handled her into the kitchen. Baby screaming, me freaking. But it's her sister so I try to let her hold her while sitting consider yourself lucky.

  7. I would do nothing, my son didn't even look at my daughters baby when she was born and this continued until she was able to actually approach him, now they are best buddies.

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