
My 13 yearold sister, was on my computer user, and ....?

by  |  earlier

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Took most of my pictures, and stuff i edited,(but they`re old now) and put them on HER myspace, and i asked her nicely 3 times to please take them off, and she came back with a NO, WHY DONT YOU MAKE ME, and stuff like that. For example, she LOVES country and absolutley hates rap, so she takes a picture that i edited of lil wayne, and puts it on there without CREDITING me!

And theres a reasont the pictures arent even on my myspace, so what would make her think, shed want them on hers?!

Im so pissed. and my parents wont do **** about it. She wants to be popular, but thats not going to work by taking my pictures of my self, and everything I made.

Is there a way I could take them down? Or report it? so they can do something? i need this done ASAP!

Please help!




  1. lol if your older than her than slap the s**+ t out of her. push her off the computer and tell she is a loser who needs to get a life (thats what i would do if i had a sister that age)

    your the stronger one. she says why dont you make me? why dont you make her? if your scared of your parents getting mad tell them thats it not their busness i mean you asked them before and then didnt help, so its time to take matters in to your own hands. say your not going to be popular like that. try to delete her myspace account or when shes on it push her off and quickly delete as many pics as you can.

    good luck

  2. um... beat da c**p outa her then if that doesnt work next time she is signing on do da lil check box to save her password then wen she leaves sign into her myspace and delete da pics and **** wit her space abit then sign off and change your password so she cant get the pics back

  3. Maybe you should try a different method with her. Ask her if you can work on some pictures together. Like tell her if she takes down the pictures you'll teach her how to edit photos herself. Also, you should explain to your parents why this is a problem to you, maybe after a nice convo with them they'll help you. But be suIre to talk nicely and don't scream, DON"T SCREAM!!!!!

    If none of this works for you then just really think about the situation. Who's really going to see the pics, some 13 year olds. If you're older hten her then you shouldn't care what her friends think.

    Hope I helped.

  4. Go on her myspace write embarrasing things about her and take ugly photos of your sister and put it on there. If she has a youtube account record a video of your sister doing something so embarrasing. Then she'll stop.

  5. What was she doing in your computer log on in the first place? Seems like you are lax about security.  Hope you learned your lesson.

  6. Well you cant really do anything right now. You cant report it because there is nothing explicit about it. Unless you could secretly get on her myspace when your sister isn't looking but i wouldn't advise that.

    I'd say to put your name on the edited picture like in the corner of the picture to show who actually made it.  

  7. This may p**s you off and you don't want her to copy you but it is obvious that she looks up to you and wants to be popular and cool like you. Be nice to her and let her have the pics and she will realize that they are yours and she should take them down.

    Don't get too pissed at her, she is your sister and she loves and looks up to you.  

  8. gee here's a thought!! PUT YOUR COMPUTER UP WHERE SHE WON'T GET IT AGAIN!!!!!  

  9. wow you need to find something more important to care about.

    if you really want your images protected put them on deviant or something or copyright them.

  10. go on your myspace and embarrass her by sending her messeges and tell her that you blackmail her at school, i dunno think of something.

    (evil laugh)  

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