
My 13 yr old daughter has been talking to a 16 yr old boy. I DO NOT let them see one another unless I am with?

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them. Here lately he has been texting some rather rude and vulger reguest. Should insist she stop all communications with him I don't know if this is the answer or if it wou;ld simply make them rebel more.




  1. Dont blame just the boy, your daughter doesn't seem too smart. Maybe try talking about 's*x, boys and etc' to her instead of banning and involving your self.

    Talk to her about it calmly and if she stops talking to him, you have a smart child. If not.. well.

    If she was older it wouldn't be a problem, but she is barely a teenager. Where i am from 16 is the legal age to have s*x, so she should stay away from him.

  2. If you don't stop it, then you will be on here asking for advice on being a grandparent.  She is too young for boys, and this boy needs to be told how to respect a girl.  I had the same thing happen with my 14 year old.  I ended up taking her cell phone away for it and had a talk with the  boy.  The boy was only 13 and sleeping around with all the neighborhood girls.  His mother thought it was cute, of course she started having children at 15 and our tax dollars pay for her and her 7 children.  If you don't set your boundaries now, you will pay for it later.  By the way, I previously raised 2 teenage girls without any teenage pregnancies.

  3. your doing the right thing, not give up ..,all teenagers rebel.... is expected.... they are testing you and your rules.

    set specific rules..communicate daily..she is a risk ,,you are only one who can protect/save her

    make firm rule she is not allowed to associate with people older than she is,then explain why! you are good parent ,some would not even notice what their child is doing

  4. Hi there.  I'm Damon.  From my experience with my own daughter and being involved with neighbor girls the same age as yours I would nip it in the bud and stop this communucation entirely.  If you e mail me I will be glad to give you speciics as to why I would say that.


  5. You're better off just warning her about this guy if you think he's bad news.  If you try to keep them apart, she'll imagine they're Romeo and Juliet.  If she learns for herself, she'll learn more effectively.

    My parents used to try to keep my from hanging with certain people and I went behind their backs.  Later I learned that these guys were no good, but I had to see it for myself.

  6. Yes. She's still a child, really, and you are her parent. She'll hate you and try to rebel, but you do have the authority to stop all communication. You can take her phone away from her to stop the texts ... just make sure that you sit her down and explain why you're doing this ... explain it as calmly and thoroughly as you can. Remember, she's still so young that she thinks the world revolves around her, so she may not understand why you're doing what you're doing ... she will, though.

  7. You HAVE to remember here that they're just kids. Both of them. They're curious about s*x at that age. I'm sure this boy means no real harm, and Im sure your daughter doesnt either.

    Talk to her maturely and tell her that even though you understand that they're both just a little curious about s*x, that you'd prefer if if she told this boy not to send those kinds of messages to her.

    People are so quick to want to slap kids wrists these days, they completely forget that the kids may see it as 'harmless flirting' that they do out of intrigue and curiosity.

  8. Since she is still young enough to monitor where she goes at all times, I would forbid her to see this guy.  He's too old and he's bad news.   Advise her of the repurcussions/ punishment that she will receive if she tries to sneak around with him and make it very harsh.

  9. I know she is young, but now that she is talking to boys; you need to talk to her was s*x and its consequences. I do believe that if you show that you do not trust her, then she might go and rebel. If he is over the house, tell him or her the rules of your house and when their outside of your house. If your daugther knows you trust her, she will respect you more.

  10. 16 is a bit too OLD, don't you think?

    Seriously...if you're already letting her talk to boys-in a boyfriend sense, she's gonna be a hard one to handle. And she WILL rebel if you make her stop talking to him.

    I wonder what HIS parents think of their 16 yr old boy talking to a 13 yr old?

  11. back out of her business ur a terrible father.

    leave her alone if she wants to go out and get aids, let her!

  12. Yes absolutely.  Your daughter is too young for all of this.  He will sleep with her the very first chance he gets.  If I were you I would talk to the cell phone company about getting texting cut off on her phone.  There are usually parental settings that will allow this.  You never should have let them get together, even supervised.  She is waaaaaay too young.

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