
My 13 yr old daughter walking in on a boy in his underwear and a girl during a school event.?

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When she reported it to the administration she was labeled a liar in need of therapudic counciling - they were not able to substantiate what she saw, so she is the liar. all year long she has been bullied by other kids, chewed gum was stuck in her face, pointed pencils shoved down the back of her jeans, she's been kicked in the backside when she bent down to her locker her books have been trashed and has had her hair pulled - nothing is being done and when I complained about their lack of response - now my child is in need of help and a liar. What recourse do I have?




  1. Call your state Representatives about this, because there are VERY strict laws involving bulling and the schools allowing it. They will send someone out to investigate it, but make sure you save EVERYTHING.....record the bulling if you have to. This is really a hot topic right now because of the Florida cheerleader beating. the news stations......let the school answer questions in front of the public....maybe that will but a stinger up their a$$ to do something.....good luck to you and your daughter *hugs*

  2. Move her to another school or wait until next year. Most of the time, people dont forget what happened the year before. But sometimes they may forget by the beginning of the next school year. She shouldnt have said anything in the first place. Its not her business but by moral standards, she was right. i would say get her into a school where no one knows her.

  3. Go over the school staff's head and straight to administration.  If they don't respond go to the mayor's office.  If no response, to to an attorney.   I'll bet a nickel to a hole in a dough nut  you will get some action then.

  4. Call the Principal and say i need to talk to you in PERSON lets set up a date.  DONT take NO for a answer! Tell EVERYTHING that has happened and that she needs something to happen! PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN! this is NOT okay not not not not not not not OKAY! but do have her tell you a list of people who have done things to her. From then on the Principal will know you mean business and  every time something happens the SAME DAY call her and tell her what happened and who did it!

  5. i would take her out of that school first then report the school to the school districts

  6. you go up the ladder, principal, superintendent, school board, and if not resolved and you feel the school is not doing their part in providing your daughter with a safe learning environment you can sue.

  7. #1 why did you not change schools already so move or transfer her

    #2 report the school to the school board

    #3 report the principle or who ever runs the school for negligence

  8. Get a new school -- home school the girl. take her from the atmosphere that she is in.

  9. yell, scream, make a bunch of noise do whatever it takes to get your voice heard, be at the school office every morning, go to the school board, go to the administrator and make them listen,

  10. talk to the school superintendant an an attorney, i would also consider a school transfer for her safety.

  11. Have her transfer to a new school.

  12. That's horrible

  13. This has gotten so out of control that the only thing to do really is to transfer schools for the safety and well being on your daughter.  She should not have to go through this daily; imagine how awful it must be for her.

  14. first of all DAT boy and girl shouldn't have had been having s*x in the school .its not Ur daughters fault she walk in on Dem.and they just keep bulying her . its not nice.

  15. and your child still attends that school? wow, i was doing something about it ASAP, i would never allow her to continue to attend a school that supports bullying and mistreatment amongst students and if your daughter saw what she did, that's even worse, i would talk once and if nothing was being done about the mistreatment at school or the bullying i was taking her out, nobody's child should have to go through that at school.

  16. Tell her to learn how to knock.

  17. If the administration is not doing anything, you need to protect your daughter. You might need to take her out of school and change schools. Report the school to the school districts and demand something be done.

  18. So wait... your daughter was watching someone having s*x, and reported it to someone when she was in a public place?

    Grow up. What is the school supposed to do about this?

    If you don't want her to experience anything bad, I'd recommend locking her inside her room. At least she won't experience anything bad!

  19. file a law suit

  20. Write down every thing that has happened, what the school has said, how they haven't done anything.

    Write this in a letter to the superintendent.

    State in the letter that the school is violating their own 'anti bully' policy (every school has one) and state if this doesn't stop, you will file complaints with the state dept of education.

    If this fails, write a letter to the local newspaper and to the local tv news.

    The reason schools don't punish bad kids is because if they do, they won't get MONEY from the NCLB law.

    THIS is why there is bullying, fighting and KIILLING.

    They don't give a  $(#&)#   about the kids getting KILLED, so long as they get that money!

    And WE as TAXPAYERS are paying them their PAY CHECK to do this to OUR OWN children with OUR OWN MONEY!!

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