
My 13 yr old girl has a state level swimmeet this wkend....what should I feed her before the meet? is rice ok?

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Is it ok to give accelerade during the meet?




  1. lot's of protein. Fish is the best. If its in the morning I'd recomend eggs with bacon and some milk.

  2. carbohydrates! make sure she gets lots of Gatorade and any liquid but sports drinks go over water becuase they also replace lost salts. also lots of fruit ! but mostly carbohydrates. the best dinner would be spaghetti and then a fruit salad for desert. but int he morning don't feed her allot becuase it will slow her down. you best bet will be some sort of fruit and a power bar! cookies and cream is the best! and during the meet remember sunscreen and granola bars or power bars, not really fruit becuase it gets squished ans soggy! stay away from hyper sugar! because she will get hyped up then she will feel sick!

    good luck with the meet!

  3. something high in protein

  4. You want a heavy carb meal the night before.  This will breakdown slowly continuuing to give her energy throughout the meet.  The drink is ok

  5. From

    The best pre-practice, or pre-meet meal should contain primarily carbohydrates.  Carbohydrate-rich foods like pasta, breads and cereal are easily digested and absorbed.  Rule of thumb: 0.5 - 2.0 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight one to four hours prior to exercise.

    Meals that provide 100 grams of carbohydrates

    * 1 bagel with peanut butter and 2/3 cup of raisins

    * 1 cup of low-fat yogurt, 1 banana and 1 cup of orange juice

    * 1 turkey sandwich with 1 cup of applesauce

    * 2 cups of spaghetti with meat sauce and 1 piece of garlic bread

    * 8 oz. of skim milk, 1 apple, 1 orange, 2 slices of bread and 3 pancakes

    * 1 serving of GatorLode and 1 bagel

    After Workout – Water is an excellent choice to replenish fluids after practice. It’s always wise to drink at least one cup. But after a tough workout, replenishing fuel stores is equally important. Competitive swimmers need a little over 1 gram of carbohydrate for every kilogram they weigh (lbs/2.2) each hour after workout. And they need it within the first hour.

    Often, a sports drink that is easily digested and quickly absorbed, such as Gatorade or PowerAde can provide a convenient way to get some of this fuel within the first 20 minutes. Accelerade, a newer drink on the market may also do the trick. Endurox, perhaps, but beware of the high protein drinks, as they often forgo the carbohydrate, and carbohydrate is what you are trying to replenish within that first hour after workout. A little protein won’t hurt, in fact a little bit of protein may actually help by supporting tissue repair and re-building processes. But too much protein, especially when it comes in place of carbohydrate, may actually be detrimental to the post-workout recovery process.

    Fluid Replacement Tips

    * Choose sports drinks like Gatorade that taste good, stimulate fluid absorption in the body maintain proper fluid balance in the body, and provide energy to working muscles.

    * Avoid carbonated drinks, which can cause stomach bloating and may reduce fluid intake.

    * Avoid caffeine-filled beverages.  They are diuretics and contribute to fluid loss.

  6. Feed her pasta.

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