
My 13yr old daughter wants to add her mothers new husband's last name on to her's. Looking for comments...?

by  |  earlier

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She said it would make her feel closer to her new family that she has now. I'm not sure what to think about it. Any comment would be helpful.. Thanks




  1. I would respect her wanting to add, but not replace.

  2. When she is 18 she can legally change her name to whatever she wants. She can still be close to her new family even if she doesn't have a similar last name.

    How does her mother feel?

  3. I think she is old enough to make a decision like this. Besides it is just a name. What is the big deal about changing a name. I think people overthink this too much.  

  4. I did, too, when I was her age, but it was never done. Now, at the age of 15, I'm glad I didn't change my name. Although I'm not in love with it or the family behind it, it makes me who I am, and this is the name I was given when I was born... and hopefully won't change until I'm married.

  5. That would have to be done legally...probably through adoption.

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