
My 14-month old daughter started daycare about a month ago and ever since she's been sick. ?

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She's been coughing and having a runny nose. I've taken her to the doctor's about 4-5 times this month just to make sure her lungs and ears are ok. Anyway, she hasn't finished a full week yet (5 days). It seems like over the weekend when she's home with me, she'll recover a little bit and feel better (cough less and nose less runny) and when I take her in Monday, by Tuesday morning it starts all over again. I'm wondering if anyone out there has gone through this and if you'd have any advice for me. Many people have told me that it builds their immunity and if kids don't get sick now in daycare they will get sick when they go to pre-school or kindergarten, but I just feel like it's making her so unhealthy. What should I do??




  1. If you have other options pull her out.  Other wise I guess the only thing you can do it wait it out, maybe give her vitamins to help her body fight against all the sicknesses. I've heard of children ALWAYS being sick in daycare. That's like a BIG deciding factor for my neighbor too.  

  2. Take her out of the daycare.

  3. This is only the beginning..... you have to remember the she is probably going to get every illness every other kid has there because they are in close quarters.. just be sure she is up to date on vaccinations and pump up the vitamin c in her daily life... extra o.j or fruit. you can also ask your provider what their policy is on sick kids.. I know if you go to a licensed center its like school so sick kids cant be there,you could check into a smaller facility or different provider.. I know its tough and you dont want to move your child all over and I understand you cant keep her locked up either, remember being exposed to certain illness makes the immune system stronger. Good luck

  4. Is this the first time shes been in a daycare?   Usually when children begin daycare they come home with cold, after cold.  This is very common, with all the other children, its common for new daycare kids to get sick because they are building up their immunity. Their immune system is getting stronger...its really common. I worked in a daycare with 3 month - 1 year olds and when I first began working there I had gotten the 2 worst illnesses!  I had a very bad cold and sinus infection like I have never had and such a bad stomach flu it sent me to the hospital - this was my first experience working around so many children so my immume system was not used to this environment.  I don't want to worry you, I wouldn't assume your daughter would get this ill at all, usually from my experience in working with kids at the daycare they catch a few colds, maybe a stomach bug, but yes as your friends said, once they're in pre-school it isn't as bad.

    Its up to you, I have to admit if my child was constantly sick I would pull her out... but I would first give it a month... if you're just too worried and your child's doctor isn't offering any insight into this issue then I would use your best judgement.  

    In all new situations, in group settings with kids, they're going to come home with colds... even in pre-school, she'll be around new kids and probably pick up a new bug, but I do think right now she is just building her immunity to it....     use your best judgement and I hope it all goes ok

  5. She might have an allergy or a sensitivity to something at the day care...or it's fall too, all my kids get the "fall & spring" cold. No fever just cough or runny nose. And she could be getting better on the weekends because you are giving her medicine, making her rest etc.

    And, a lot of kids get sick once starting school or day care. Especially if they've never been in a large group environment before. Once her immune system builds up she'll quit doing it. One thing to check for though...check the daycare policies about leaving your kids when they are sick. If you notice some other kids that have similar symptoms that are on the "keep them home" list....start reporting it to the Director. I used to hate that about my oldest's day care...seems like parents don't really care if their kid gets everyone sick...they "just can't miss work"

    Good luck. And unless you find that the day care you are using is violating the sick kid rule....switching her won't really help. You'll find that she's going to go thru this until her body gets used to it. Talk to her ped. about giving her vitamins as well.  

  6. Welcome to day care!  I started my son at 15 months and he was constantly sick with a runny nose or cough.  It is just part of the joys of day care.  It does help build their immunities.  If you think it is excessive than talk to her doctor about it.  Now at almost 3 and in daycare if he gets sick he is really sick.  Good luck I know it is hard to see your child not feeling 100%.

  7. my daughters both went through a stage of being sick after starting daycare. your daughter will build up her immunity and become less sick.

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