
My 14 month old girl has little bumps, that look like pimples, around her mouth. The come and go.?

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They have been there for over a month now, sometimes they almost disapppear, but now they are back. I've tried to correlate it with certain foods, but I can't find a pattern? They don't seem to bother her at all. Should I worry? Has anyone seen this before?




  1. It could be thrush. Take her to the doctor to make sure. Thrush can be harmful and needs treatment by antibiotics.

  2. Look up info for IMPETIGO. It is a bacterial infection that is common on the face around the mouth. My mom said when I was younger I had it. It cannot be self treated, you need to go see a doc and get a prescription for a topical antibiotics (cream) for it and it will go away.

  3. sounds like a heat rash, but could also be exema, yuse a little aveeno baby lotion. My son has terrible exema and it really helps him, if its a heat rash all you can do is keep her clean and cool, mabey put her in little cotten T shirts or rompers instead of outfits, thats what I do and it really does help. he still gets heat rash but not so bad as when i was keeping him fully dressed.

  4. it could be baby acne...

  5. If she has a pacifier it could be a  rash caused by  the pooling of her saliva behind the pacifier.

    Try putting Lansinoh Lanolin cream (comes in a purple tube).  It is made  for breastfeeding mothers (to apply to cracked nipples), but it can do wonders for rashes such as diaper rash and heat rash.

    Apply a layer to the area with bumps right before she goes to sleep so she won't be tempted to wipe it off.

  6. they'll go away

    if they don't

    go to a dermatologist.


  7. I would take her to a Dermatology Specialist for a regular Dr may see not see what really going on.

    Eating healthy food would help too. Like stay away from caffeine, greasy food. I'm sure you get the picture.


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