
My 14 (nearly 15 yr old girl) wants to work, but what type of work can she do ?

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my girl nearly 15 in jan.. aleady does a thurday after school paper round for extra pocket money, but she wants to do a little weekend job to earn just that little extra money (with xmas etc coming up, it makes sence).

Now,things like working on a market.., washing up in cafe/restuarant, or in a corner shop for example........

anywhere else would take on a young person of this age, if so, what type of work would it be ?.





  1. Most of the time you should be 16 to be able to find work other than in food services. But is she has a lot of expreience already, wait for her to turn 15 and have her apply at local convience or retail stores.

  2. it is limiting, but just ask around at the places you have suggested and see what comes of it. maybe she could a few sunday paper rounds. my niece did this a couple of years ago and she made more on a sunday by working about 5 hours than she did on a paper round for all week

  3. There are strict rules about child labour for historical reasons.

    This should help you. All credit to her for wanting to work and displaying such a good work ethic.

  4. she can scoop ice cream. Coldstones, MarbleSlab, and Baskin Robbins always has a bunch of teenagers working there.

    Or maybe bag grocerys at the supermarket

  5. she could help out with a disabled club

  6. i started work when i was 13 washing up in a kitchen most easy job there is and i was getting more than a fiver an hour so i would go 4 that best job ever

  7. My oldest daughter's thirteen and starts waitressing evenings & weekends next week in our local, but she has had her name down for about twelve months - just ask around.

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