
My 14 week old baby is always hungry. He's taking 8oz of milk, hardly ever sick and still wants more.

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he feeds every hour and a half from 2pm until he goes to bed around 9ish. He is sleeping through the night but in the day he doesn't seam content.

I'm just looking for some advice as I'm a first time Mum,




  1. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  2. try changing the formula you can get one for hungrier baby's

    i know SMA do one there must be other makes too...

    all 5 of our kids ended up on it ...


  3. You can buy food for hungrier babies, you give them the same about but it satisfies them more, might be a good idea to ask your doctor or even in the chemist they might be able to help.

  4. try him on spoon-feeds or a stronger formula there are formula foods out there for hungrier baby's, any doctor will tell you there's no harm in starting your baby on spoon-feed's this early, i have a friend who had to start their baby on feeds at four weeks, just consult your doctor anyway. but he will tell you the same.. good luck

  5. this happened to me aswell, i thought it was too early to start weaning, but wgen my baby started drinking a bottle and a half every 1 1/2 or 2 hours i got the mushy carrots out, enough was enough and it was clear she wanted more than milk, i know books you read say dont start till 6 months, but crikey if they are hungry they are hungry. once id started weaning [ about 3 months old] she was much more content and happy x*x good luck

  6. Consider changing him to the "hungry baby" second stage milk. If you've already done that, stick with it, and when he hits 16 weeks, ask your HV if they would advise weaning. My two were weaned at 16 weeks, as they were both on 9oz 2nd milk 6 times a day by the time they got there! My HV told me it would be best, and they're both happy, healthy little guys, with no allergies/intolerances or problems :)

  7. try 8oz water and 9 scoops of formula

  8. I think you are mistaking his fussiness for hunger. Many many babies have fussy times in the afternoon. He doesnt need food- he isn't sure what he wants, he just wants to fuss. I would feed him only every 2 to 3 hours - the rest is him being fussy.

  9. Try adding rice cereal to his bottle. Add two tablespoons of cereal. One tablespoon per 4oz.  This will satisfy him longer.

  10. Careful! Don't get into the habit of feeding him every time he wants it, or you're going to have an obese kid!  

  11. Not content doesent always mean hungry. He might need some stimulation try playing around with him. Also when he is feeding try to encourage more at a time so that he isnt eatting all the time. Try putting a little ceral in his bottle also that might help fill him up. Good Luck!

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