
My 14 week old quaker is making its normal noises and screams but it has started to make crackiling noises?

by  |  earlier

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an idea why ??




  1. I have a Quaker and she did this at that age. She was making funny noised just like a baby does before they talk. They are testing out what sounds they can make. Sometimes this is called "baby babble" They often do this before they talk. Shortly after mine made the funny noises some of them I could not figure out what she was copying, she said her first word. As you probably already know Quakers ar know for their talking and yours will probably be talking very soon.

    Good Luck!

  2. It is discovering how to use it's voice to make other sounds, they all do {:O)  

  3. Either he is copying a noise or he is just being silly, making goofy noises. I knew a guy who had a caique and it made a funny squeaky noise everyday when he was getting ready to leave. Finally one day he realized that it was copying the garage door, despite the fact that the bird was on the other end of the house. So, he's just being a bird (I'm assuming this is a noise he's making, not a sound you hear when he breathes).

  4. Maybe its a sign that he's starting to talk...maybe get some tapes to train him how to talk!!

    -hope this helped!!

  5. All normal.  They grind their beaks, and make all kinds of weird noises.  As long as he is healthy, any sound your bird makes should not alarm you...

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