
My 14 year is turning 15.. should i buy her a mercedes-benz, BMW, porche, or lexus?

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shes having a sweet 15, what kinda car should i give her.




  1. Wow o.O youre dumb. Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. Youre actually going to trust your 15 year old daughter with an expensive car like that? Thats just asking for an accident. Hope you like insurance bills!! Because there going to sky rockeet!

  2. how come you are thinking about buying your kid car for 15th birthday present ?? she is not even legal to drive a car yet?  Well i guess money is can do whatever you like with your money...

  3. all those makes are very reliable but if a lexus does break down its harder to get parts because its japanies a german car is probobly the best way to go. get her a BMW if its new a 1series deisel, very economical, if second hand a 3 series.

    hope this helped ;)

  4. you certainly dont type like older person but as i continue a 15 year old can start off with a used BMW, benz, acura , or whatever else

    if she gets a new one all the friends will be in it all day, smoking cigarettes and burning holes in the seats

    heres an example of the acura its a nice starters car then move up to premium luxury

  5. Getting teen girl a porsche is like giving an 8 year old a 12 gauge shotgun. But hey, whatever car looks best wrapped around a tree!

  6. Get her a '79 datsun wagon and let her be glad she's got a car at all.  OMG what will the neighbors and her friends think? Nah seriously get a porsche 944 so she can wrap it around a tree at 140 MPH and rid the world of one more yuppie.

  7. Well Porche, if you actually want her to get to that first accident quicker.

  8. I got an '87 Cutlass Ciera for mine.

  9. Thats a GREAT idea. Spend lots of money on a really nice car for her to end up in a graveyard! Alternatively, she might be arrested for dangerous driving. Either way, you do what you think is best for your kid!

    Hope she enjoys it :)

  10. My Daughter got a suprise for her 15th birthday, I bought her a new ribbon for her hair.

                                   She was suprised because she was expecting a car!!!!

                                      You must be joking??????

  11. I think the Lexus or BMW would be best for a 15 year old---you don't won't to spoil her.

  12. Buy her the most expensive car on the lot then let her make the first 3 payments so that she knows money doesnt grow on trees for some of us working class lowlifes!!!

  13. Get the most expensive car you can afford.

    It will be about 2 weeks before the first accident.  But rich people don't care.  

    What's most important is that your friends and family know how rich you are.

    Good Luck...

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