
My 14 year old brother?

by  |  earlier

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i am 13 and my bro is 14. he is mean to me because i have dyslexia.i tell my mom and she will tell him to stop but he won,t.what do i do.and no i can,t hit him




  1. I'm sorry my bro teases me to cause i was in a stratigies class, just run away everytime he makes fun of you or hits ou or whatever, or tell ur mom privitly you really mean it GOOD LUCK!

  2. I have dyslexia too so I can semphisize with you on that

    as for your brother this happens all of the time so don't think you are the only girl this happens to

    do you ignore him as this could be part of the problem

    him wanting attention but if not time will heal this but if he is hitting you tell him you will call the police and turn him in to them

  3. This is really cruel but unfortunately it happens all the time between siblings.  Have a talk with your mom and tell her this is really important.  I hope this will help but ?

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