
My 14 year old daughters eye sight is getting worse quickly?

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she had her eyes tested 9mnths ago was told too wear glasses for the usual tv pc reading, she got after 3mnth she was wearing them all the time, took her for re test they were worse, have been told too retest in 6 mnths if eyesight has worsend we will be referred, its worse going for retest after just 3 mnths not 6, what could it be!? we dont have eye trouble no family history?




  1. You don't have to have a family history of eye trouble to GET eye trouble.  Take her back to the doctor and take this VERY seriously. Things like this don't just go away like a cold!!!

  2. i had like your  daughter experience ..since upto 18-20 years old your daughter eyes maybe quickly/slowly  so to worse. sometimes it could be quickly some times slowly but after 16 years old little goes to worse and in 20 years it will stop and after that you can surgery it with lysic surgery ,do not worry now it is time of growing and puberty  

  3. You should take her to the doctor to inform you on any problems she might have on her eyes. Make sure your daughter is not looking on t.v or computer to close even with glasses on. Also not looking directly on the sun or lights. Try to keep an eye on her so she takes care of her eyes.  

  4. dont matter if you have glasses on the computer. If you still watch too much tv or play computer too much the eye sight will get worse with glasses or without glasses.

  5. this is a question for an ophthalmologist. you should spend some time researching it prior to the visit. Google things like rapid worsening of eyesight.. I think it might be called myopia (nearsightedness).

    I doubt you will get the answers you need from yahoo answers. not too many doctors hanging out here...

  6. To get worse that quickly she is either using her short sight / long sight too much which is straining her eyes too much (tv or reading)

    could it be that she isnt using her glasses at school which is gunna cause the rapid change in sight due to the extra strain

    or the optician gave her the wrong precription of glasses

  7. Poor love i just knows how she feels has my left eye is gradually getting worse has i have to fall back onto 2 pairs of glasses. i suggest you she a eye doctor he/she may help you, mine cannot be fixed as the squint is too old.

  8. Tell the eye doctor and tell him about your daughter. It could be serious but I doubt that it is. Just get it checked out.  

  9. no body could answer that from the vague description you have given see a doc

  10. In the teen years, eye sight changes very quickly, so this is normal.

  11. Is she short on vitamin A ?  

  12. It's probably because shes growing so quickly that her eyesight cannot keep up.

    Or it's just the way her eyesight is.

    You cannot fix it i'm sorry.

  13. In The Teenage Years The Eye Sight Chages Rapidly!

    Im Only 13 and its gone bad to worse! But I did have a history from my Dad So Im not sure how this is possible but .. Get her Eye Regually Checked JUST IN CASE!  

  14. shes going blind.

  15. No idea what it could be, but I would err on the side of caution and get my GP to refer me to hosoital asap, no delay, just go for it, it could be very important for an expert to see her, good luck.

  16. hehe chill the same thing happened to me....they are supposed to increase quickly its normal......

  17. yep eyes change a lot while growing up in the teens, my vision has gotten worse but it's perfectly normal. look it up online

  18. First off BOTH the Ophthalmologist and the Optometrist are DOCTORS in the US. They are different kinds of DOCTORS, but DOCTORS none the less. Secondly, it is not unusual to have your vision change rapidly and drastically during puberty. I see it every day. Thirdly, carrots and vitamins will not help a refractive error. Most people do have refractive errors and they do usually amplify in the teen years. Not having any eye issues at all in a family is highly unlikely and does not sound quite right. If it were my daughter, I would seek a second opinion now, and not really wait for another 6 months. You can have her general health checked to rule out other health issues that can effect the visual health, such as thyroid and Diabetes and other things that her pediatrician would know what to look for. Do not rely on the general doctor to giv eyou the second opinion about her glasses and the progression of her RX, they are not trained in this area, but do have them check on her health. Just suggestion.

  19. No family history of eye problems? That's unusual...

    Excess use of a computer or watching too much TV can lead in your eyes getting worse.

    If your daughter wears glasses all the time, but her eye-sight isn't too bad, then she is merely making her eyes comfortable by wearing the glasses. When the eyes get comfortable they may get a bit lazy so stronger glasses are needed so less pressure is applied to the eye.

    Sorry for the amature wording, I'm hardly an optician.

    Hope this helps anyway.

  20. totally agree with dean but u still have to make sure she gets lots of sight enhancing vitamins and in carrots

  21. Get well soon!

  22. Well are you sure that her glasses help her see BETTER and not worse? If her glasses are under the wrong prescription, it will make her eyesight worse. Also, does she go on the computer and watch T.V. alot? That also causes a lot of eyestrain. Make sure that she doesn't read, do homework, watch T.V., or go on the internet in a dimly lighted room because that also causes ALOT of eyestrain. Trust me, I'm only 15, and I've been wearing glasses since I was six. So I know what I'm talking about. I can't do ANYTHING at all without proper lighting. :] Good luck.  

  23. Go to the very best opthamologist  you can afford, in the UK for 14yr olds. Ask for a hospital appointment immediately, this should be investigated now, just in case.

    Chances are, its not too harmful, but its best to be sure.

  24. Contact your local LYONs club. They are a charitable organization that deals with children's eye problems, glasses, and other visual ailments. Talk to them, their services are cost free. Vision is very important, don't pass up any opportunity for help.

  25. Bring her to a good ophthalmologist. There is a big difference between an optometrist  and an ophthalmologist.  The Ophthalmologist is the doctor, not the optometrist.

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