
My 14 year old girl is anorexic and has started slashing at her hands. Where can I get help for her?

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She's not trying to kill herself - just hurt herself and leave scars. I don't know how to help her. All around her there are people saying she's too thin, and it makes her worse.




  1. You need to get her to a DOCTOR SOON. The doctor will help HER and give YOU advice on how to help her. The doctor could also tell you about some more places and people that could help her such as a nutritionist that will help her get her eating habits back on track. It might be awkward for her at first talk to a doctor and other people but it will be good for the both of you. Trust me I know how 14 year old girls are because I am one. I hope this helps and good luck to the both of you

  2. aren't u supposed to be her help as a parent? i heard of a group called to write love on her arms that might help....

  3. she has to stop.

    you have to get her into therapy.  

  4. Get her to a hospital / Dr. or call one of the teen hotlines and BEG for help before she really harms herself. There are many clinics everywhere in the country to help with this

  5. hospital! she's probably insecure which makes her anorexic, which makes her insecure which makes her depressed! hurry!

  6. Are you seriously asking this now?!

    Bring her to a professional immediately!

  7. take her to the hospital they may put her on a feeding tube.

  8. from experience hospitals, doctors, psychatrists don't work. Your child is lonely all she needs is a friend. Someone she can talk to that is not judging her. someone who shows they care, evetually she will stop.

    I was an anorexic ballerina, that cut myself for 5 years before my best friend came into the picture. My parents thought I was crazy and sent me to all kinds of doctors and shrinks. The reality was I wanted a friend that liked me for me not my looks popularity or money, I was lonely. When my now bestfriend came into picture and showed me that he didn't like me for my looks he wasn't into me sexually, he didn't care about my money, and he wanted was to be my friend and see me doing well I slowy stopped cutting myself and started eating right.

  9. you should get her a therapist, Anorexia is a phyciatric disorder and i'm guessing cutting herself would be too, maybe they can help you figure out how to better help your daughter as they are doctors

  10. thats not something she should be doing to release her anger, confront her about it and take her to a therapist (your doctor can refer one) so that she can talk about things and find out about more effective ways to cope. you have to hide all the sharp things in the house and talk to her if she needs attention, ask her how her day was, be there for her in her times of need because right now she needs you.


  12. i would emit her to the hospital or take her to a shrink... talk to her and see what you can do to help her

  13. im was like that to. i cut my arms or burn myself, just cause I'm so depressed. for some reason it helps alot if i hurt myself, or starve myself but you need to get her help!! take her to the doctor and get her some consoling.

    if you need anything email me at -

  14. One of my best friends is the same way.

    You NEED to get her:

    -to the hospital

    -strict therapy regularly.

    Deal with this NOW before it gets worse. She could literally die if it gets too out of hand.

    Good luck, I hope all goes well.


  15. Big Daddy,

    YOU cannot help her.

    You need to get her to a mental health professional.

    Anorexia is a mental health issue, and generally requires intensive treatment. The fact she's also 'cutting' only intensifies the issue.

    Do not wait!  Call your local ER and ask if they have a psychologist or psychiatrist on duty or on call. Ask to speak to that person, and tell that person what is going on. Make certain you tell them that your daughter is only 14. Also tell them people referring to her thiness makes it worse. DO THIS NOW! (But not where she can hear you).

    If the person at the ER tells you to bring her in you will probably need assistance - be very prepared to call 911 for that assistance.

    You will be saving her life.

    Your family will be in my prayers.


  16. Take her to the doctor immediately.  

  17. well i was like this to but my friends told me i had to stop and they took all my cutting things away and they made me eat but ur a mom so make her go to a hospital or something before it is to late

  18. i would start looking up like camps you send her for anorexia ; they have some really good ones. you should see if you can get her into one.

  19. www,

  20. Try the organization: To Write Love On Her Arms. It will help her with all the problems, which need to be dealt with IMMEDIATELY! It can rapidly get worse in a little amount of time. Or if you wait too long she wont even try to help herself. you should try to talk to her. ask her whats wrong. there is no way she will probably tell you right away, but then she will feel like there is someone there for her to talk to when she is ready. but you really need to do something right NOW! I cant stress that enough. Tell her you love her and care about her VERY much, spend some special time with her, do anything that would make her feel not alone. Moms and daughters usually speak the same language, FATHERS and daughters sometimes need an interpreter! go to a counselor togather where you can talk to her with someonhtwho will understand what shes going through ect. heres the link - Good luck and remember, DONT GIVE UP!! ♥- Sarah Kate

  21. you need to talk to her parents and help her get professional help. Anorexia causes so many problems and she won't realize them until they start happening and you have to expose her problem but just know she may hate you for this by exposing her problem... is her life more important than your friendship? hopefully she will get over it and realize what you did but sometimes people dont and they hate that person but please dont let that stop you she needs help

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