
My 14 year old is addicted to the computer...he plays a game called runescape.?

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It is getting to the point he does nothing but play. He is even starting to not to friends and he will not leave the home. He doesnt like to visit his father every other weekend now he refuses to go. He just will not go. Since he will not listen to me about playing the game should i let his father pick him up from school.

I have been remarried 6 years now. He likes his step father but i cannot make him respect us. He will listen to his father but i do not want him to feel i am just shipping him off to his dads. How can i stop the addiction? besides just going cold turkey we have tried that but...everything in our home gets broke




  1. i LOVE runescape, and like him i LOVE to play it, just not all the time:) you just need to tell him that family comes first, and he needs to visit his dad. plus, this computer game doesnt even really matter to his life. family does matter, however, and so you shouldnt let him play the game if it is overtaking his life. just tell him that he cannot play anymore until he really realizes this. you are his mother, so you are the one in charge

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