
My 14 year old sister is drinking beer during parties?

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My sister deciced to skip a church class on saturday and instead went to a party with her friends. when she got home she told me that a couple of her friends hade been drinking beer. i knew she was telling the truth because she was dizzy, about to throw up, and she acted drunk. Now she skipped class again and she told me she went to drink more beer. What should i do? should i leave her alone or should i inform my mom? she only 14 so i'm worried. please help. by the way i'm to young to go to the classes so i'm not with her




  1. i think your best bet is to talk to your parents.! sure your sister might not understand how this is helping her now, but she will later. Plus she is way too young to be consuming alcohol and I'm afraid that this might lead to more bad behavior.. so talk to your mom and inform her of your concern..that's what i would do at least..take care.

  2. Tell your mom.

  3. Tell your mom so she can help her. I would hate for her to be in trouble but maybe she needs to be to stop doing it. Good lck. But please tell your mom

  4. Immediatley tell your mom. Does your sister know how bad beer is? It is illegal to drink beer if you are under 21. You are smarter than her. Tell someone (mom or dad) and they can fix it. Do they believe you? If not find some proof. You could take a picture, video, or maybe guide her to your parents. It's what i would do!

  5. you should tell your mom... she will find a way to deal with your sister with out letter her know that your were the one to tell her.  Your sister could get herself into serious trouble  at these parties and you would feel worse if you did nothing to stop it.

  6. you are younger than her? wow... first of all you might me a little too worried.  it is more than normal to expiriment with alcohol at that age. if she isn't hiding it, i think that she is just fine being left alone. if you tell your parents you could either cause som big fights or teach your sister a lesson.

    so decide carefully and dont be a hippocrite because maybe you will do the same thing....

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