
My 14 year old son is a crossdresser/transvestite and had me arrested for trying to change him.? ?

by  |  earlier

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My 14 year old son came in the other night dressed as a female with make-up, a wig, a mini-skirt, in full womens dress. I am a very old fashioned, traditional person. I dont like girly boys or crossdressers. I want my son to be a masculine man. When he came in I shouted "what the h**l do you think you are doing?" and he said it was girls night out at the club(has ID. I threatened to ground him for a year and he called me a close-minded redneck piece of sh*t that will never be worth anything. I gave him an old fashioned beating with my belt and it left a small mark on him. He called the police, and I was arrested that night, and my son said things like "stupid dumba$$ redneck is going to the cage with the other animals" all the way out the door. the police did nothing in response to my sons behavior. I am out of jail now, and there is no restraining order to my knowledge. what should I do? My son told me I will never change him. My wife(who I love dearly) and him currently live alone.




  1. I would say you should accept your son, but he sounds like one of those losers who go around making people mad and then calling a teacher when they fight back.. Pansy-like.. Boot camp?

  2. TROLL

  3. What you call an old fashioned beating with my belt is what I call child abuse.  You're not fit to be a parent.  I can think of much better reasons to be disappointed in a child than what he/she is wearing, like if they grow up to beat up their child in an old fashioned way.

  4. Perhaps you should accept your son for who he is rather than sticking to your ridiculous old-fashioned view of how men 'should' be. Threatening to ground him for a year is more than just a little extreme.

    I also believe that beating a fourteen year old  with a belt is very, very wrong. I'm glad he called the police.

    Try parenting your child. Going out to night-clubs without permission from a parent first is unacceptable, but you should focus on that, not that he's a cross-dresser or something of the sort.

    It's possible he did this for attention, try talking to him about it. Not hitting or yelling, just talking.  

  5. He didn't have you arrested for trying to change him he had you arrested for beating the s**t out of him. At fourteen he shouldn't be going out to clubs, or talking to his parents that way BUT IN NO WAY DOES THAT WARRANT WHAT YOU DID.  You need counseling to help you deal with your issues, the fact that you can't accept people for who they are, that you are homophobic, and that you have anger management issues. I feel that he had every right to have you arrested, I believe in spanking if it is warranted but I do not believe in using a belt and I do not believe in beating a child.

  6. dude, the more you react to this the worse its gonna get. I say be neutral. There are a lot of things I bet you want him to be(successful, happy, normal) but you can't make him be anything. Be neutral. tell him you love him, you want the best for him, ect. but don't fly off the handle when this happens or is talked about again. just tolerate it the best you can. some kids feed off the negative attention, they like feeling like a victim. Don't give it to him. Some kids just wanna be who they think they are without hiding. you don't have to like it but in the long run you might have to learn to accept and look past this or you may never have a happy home again. this just may be what makes him happy.  

  7. Considering that in all of your other questions you claim to be a 21 year old transsexual named Ashley, I have been lead to conclude that any of the following is true:

    1) You are actually a 21 year old transsexual named Ashley, and you are interested in how people would respond to a parent and son in such a situation, leading you to pretend to be the parent of a 14 year old transvestite.

    2) You are a 21 year old transsexual named Ashley, yet in between the insane amounts of partying your questions indicate you do, you've found the time to get married and have a son (around the age of 7, no less, which I didn't even know was possible), and you are upset that he is a transvestite, because although you are a transsexual who loves to party, you are also very traditional.

    3) You are actually the father of a 14 year old transvestite, yet although you fancy yourself a traditional person, you also enjoy going on Yahoo! Answers and pretending to be a 21 year old transsexual named Ashley, and while you are comfortable with assuming this sort of identity on the Internet, you are horrified by the real thing.

    4) TROLL!

  8. Maybe you should take your son's advice. Stop trying to change who he is.  

  9. I have no advice (if this is even a real situation)...

    This just makes me so glad I dont have teenagers yet.....

  10. I feel sad for you not because you went to jail, you shouldn't be aloud near your son again, but because you can't accept your child for who he is.

    You can't change him and shouldn't even try!

    Leave him alone, you hate it so much, disown him and leave him in peace.

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