
My 14 year old son wants a summer job any suggestions?

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I live in the city




  1. He could mow lawns and if you live in a neighborhood where everyone's grass is green, then he could get a job w/ a company that takes care of lawns. He could also walk dogs, work pt at McDonald's or any other fast food restaurant, deliver news papers in the morning, be a mail keeper/ deliver for companies (this is someone who delivers mail to each individual in the business.) He could get a job at the YMCA or even a sports center, that's usually lots of fun for boys. And if none of these seem to work out he could always volunteer to be an assistant coach for a sport team of little children. Hope this gives you ideas.

  2. maby a job around ur work so u can keep an eye on him and not worry but maby for him it would be embarrising b/c imma turn 14 and alot of kids my age get embarresed when around parents and i bet i just wasted ur time for making u read this

  3. It does matter where you live. Some hotels need help other than cleaning. Car lots always need some. But, if he knows what he wants to do for a job after graduation then he should go to find that line of work for the summer. Pay may suck but the experence would be great.Best thing to do is drop the girls and get his life where he wants it. The chicks will always be there. If she REALLY cares for him. People change so take care of yourself first

  4. When I was that age, I used to do odd jobs for neighbors-  pull weeds from the sidewalks, wash windows, take out their trash while they were away on vacation.

    I lived in a college neighborhood, and in summer, many collegians would vacate their apartments - leaving behind great stuff that would end up in the trash.  We would salvage the good stuff - albums, nicknacks, furniture -  and have a sidewalk sale later on, selling it to passersby (sounds ickky now that I'm all grown up.)

  5. have him pick up a paper route or mow lawns or even babysitting there are a lot of jobs depending on your neighborhood. or even just doing miscellaneous chores for neighbors try putting up fliers as worker for hire.

  6. With it being summer a lot of people are going on vacation he could water someone house plants while they're on vacation pickup their mail and newspaper and put them in the house or apartment and/or take care of their pets, feed, water, walking and/or playing with said pet.

  7. babysittin for ppl he knows or mowin lawns in the country

  8. kinda depends on if you live in a City, or the suburbs or?

    If in a City,  Bike messenger comes to mind and he could make $ in  tips alone, (+ getting paid) but then again... you gotta really dig these days, a lot of jobs that kids have been doing have been grabbed by ILLEGAL aliens and so its going to be difficult.

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