
My 14 year old spends to much time at the computer, dont worry he isnt looking at anything he shouldnt he?

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plays a online game. My question is I want him to do other things he refuses. It is getting close to school to start and he needs to go to bed at a decent time. However he wont. My husband works at nights to tell him to get off. He is strong than me I have lupus. And if i do take the mouse away or take the computer away in any way he will become violent. I mean so violent he will throw me down and pull my hair. what should i do?




  1. To be frank with you, if your son isn't looking at p**n then he has something wrong with him.  You need to have a serious talk with him, because if he grows up sexually stunted he will inevitably become a rapist and serial killer (and will, in all likelihood, abuse the corpses of his victims too).  You need to get him some pornography immediately or the whole of society will pay the price.

  2. you need to hit him back, and teach him how's boss. if i did that my dad would kill me, if i did what has done to you.

    btw i am his age

  3. Take the computer away and get some help. Next time he lays a hand on you, call the cops. It might just scare the c**p out of him.

  4. what a very rude and ugly mannered kid he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i myself spend my summer vacation sitting my @ss on the rolley chair but i know I'll have to get used to sleeping at 9pm soon to go to school!! but take the computer away from him and his dang games AND have the phone already with the 911 dialed where you only need to push the talk button to dial!

    Jesus how could he even dare to raise any part of his body to his mother even to hit her i would not lay a hand my precious mother i can not imagine it and when i do hit her like playing i always tell her to hit my hand!! it's a tradition if we hit our mother and they don't hit our hand than our hand become like a fried fish!

  5. Take the computer away and get him some help! It isn't normal for him to beat you when you try and take the computer away. He needs some help. What is this game? World of Warcraft? People are seriously getting addicted to that game these days. It is not good.

  6. If your son gets as violent as you say he gets call 911. An abusive son is the same as an abusive father, mother, husband..ect. You are his mother. You should not let him act that way. If he EVER throws you down, pulls your hair or does anything similar to that call the police! Maybe a night in jail will do him some good. Because if you don't stop him now, he will do the same thing to his girlfriend or maybe future wife. And thats not fair to them.

  7. WOW you must have been scared to hit/scold your son when he was young.if he throws you down and pulls your hair then somethings wrong and you need to get help.your son needs some strong discipline.that aint right.and dont be afarid to take away his video games throw em in the trash.he dont deserve to play the way he acts.

  8. i agree. take the computer away completely, while he is either out or in bed.

    and most definitely get him arrested if he assualts you.

    its a scare tactic.

    or even call the local police station and let them know so when you do call they know have a heads up to what they can do to set him straght

  9. Just take it away if he has a problem with it then keep taking stuff away thats what my parents did when I was a teenager..if i behaved badly i would first lose my cell phone and if i got mad about that they would take my computer and after that ipod until I had absolutely nothing left and they would only give it back after i apologized..he sounds like he needs some good discipline and if he puts a hand on you when you take this stuff call the cops and have him arrested..maybe he will realize you don't tolerate this stuff and quit..

  10. Have your husband take the power cord away when he goes to work.  Are you saying that your son becomes violent and your husband does nothing to protect you?  There is way more going on in your house than an unruly teenager.  If my son became violent with my wife/his mother I would make it known who is in charge of the house.  If he failed to understand this then it would be off to juvenile hall for him.  Of course, my son actually has discipline that has been instilled in him since he was a small child and would never dream of raising his voice let alone his hand to his mother (or his sister for that matter).  I have never struck/spanked either of my children and they do not see violence as a solution to their problems.  

    You have some serious issues on your hands and probably need professional help to solve them.  In any event, violence should never be tolerated...not even once.  As I said earlier have your husband handle it.  If that doesn't work then I fear for what may come in your household in the near future...

  11. your husband should take the console/pc to work with him,you shouldn't have to put up with such violent behavior from your own son,my son is 15 and can get bad tempered while playing on line,once his x box broke down and he was without it for 7 weeks and he was a changed boy!now if he talks back whilst playing online or wont shut it off at night when i tell him i take the power lead off him so he cant play,he doesnt like it but they have to learn whos boss.maybe you should take him to some kind of counseling.husband needs to sort him out too.

  12. its not uncommon for kids that age to constantly be on the computer. how about a vacation to a place that has no computers like a cruise or something?

    when I was 13-14, I was on the computer 24/7 but now I have a sidekick so I could careless about computer now (I didn't use it to play games but more to socialize with my friends & stuff. (:

    but wow, your child is pulling your hair and becoming violent? well you should do something about this.. a child isn't supposed to do that.

    so here are a few choices that I would do that may help:

    you can ground him... put a password on the computer (something he would never figure out like lamp656 or rainbowmasque) and tell him that if he even tries touching or yelling at you, you'll take him to a mental instituition.

    or, you can take him to a psycologist... well.. accually, you should.

    maybe you should do those expensive treatments where they put you to sleep and hypnotize you to not wanna waste your life away on some stupid online game...

    (: hope that helps

  13. I would take it away and then have the phone ready in your hand to call 9-1-1.

  14. you and youu husband need to have a chat with each other and with your son. if he becomes violent call the police or call seomone like that. its important your son doesn't hurt anyone related or not.

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