
My 14 yr old daughter says that she is g*y and doesnt know how to deal with it so she started to cut herself?

by Guest66559  |  earlier

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My 14 yr old daughter says that she is g*y and doesnt know how to deal with it so she started to cut herself?




  1. Take her to the doctor and get her some help

  2. Difficult one!  My brother is g*y and went through a real period of not knowing how to come to terms with it or how to face other people with it.

    Give your daughter loads of love and reassurance that she's perfect the way she is and her sexuality is just part of that.  I suggest you contact a g*y and L*****n support group on your daughters behalf and ask for support in dealing with this - of course if your daughter will speak to them as well that's even better.

    Find out if she is being bullied because of her sexuality - if she is - talk to her school / college.

    Also there are self harming groups out there that can help with that issue.

    It's vital your daughters fears are not ignored and that she learns to love herself for what she is.

  3. I would tell her that you love her no matter what and that she should feel comfortable with herself. And then take her to see a doctor. Someone she can trust to confide in.

  4. ok i'm a 14 year old girl and maybe i can help.

    it could be a phase

    it could be for attention (she doens't want it from a guidance couselor.. she wants it form YOU HER PARENT)

    14 year olds are figuiring thmeselves out. Many are not ready for relationships either.

    she is probably overdramatizing the whole subject.

    ask her why does she feels she is "g*y". maybe someone made fun of her. maybe she thinks b/c of something that she is... when that doesn't mean she is. by the looks of it... your daughter isn't "g*y." no don't get me wrong. i have nothing against homosexuals... but if the idea of her being "g*y" scares her into cutting herself... she ISN"T!

    come on you're the parent... give her love and be understanding (and tell her that you love her and that people care for her) and ask to take away the cutting materials... it should stop.

    if she doesn't stop.. you have two choices.... take her to see a therapist... or continue to gently (firmly) tell her to stop

    i would pay attnetion to her if she thinks that she is "emo" too. she might be writing depressing poems, being depressed a lot. allow her to channel her feelings into that phase. but as a word of caution make sure she is not suicidal. not all cutters are but just watch her.

    give lots and lots of love to your daughter.. she is at a difficult phase!

  5. Counseling.

  6. she needs counseling, you likely won't be able to help her on your own

  7. Why do folks come on here and ask serious questions thinking they are going to get a quick fix here? You really need to take her to a counselor to talk about this. I just read an article about how young kids are coming out, yet the schools and society can't deal with it, and then this puts alot of pressure on the kids themselves. But think most of your answers here, are to go and get professional help.. it's worth's your daughter.

  8. Make sure that you and the rest of your family accepts the fact they she is interested in girls. About the cutting thing just sit down and talk to her. Convince her to stop because counseling is the absolute last thing she wants to go through. If you cant stop her though your last resort will have to be counseling. P.S. you don't have to worry about early pregnancy!

  9. oh my god....she needs help. Take her to a consuoler or something. Talk to her about what she said and about the cuts. A lot of times young teenagers might go through stages where they have the thought "Am I g*y?". I went through that and a lot of young teens do. She may think that she's g*y or bisexual but she may not. SHe really wont know for sure untill she's older. Talk to her about cutting herself. Tell her about how wrong it is.

  10. Make sure that u give her support and be glad that she either came to you or you found out.  A lot of people cut themselves to release something.  You need to get her counsling it will be of great help.

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