
My 14 yr. old son has changed,he's moody,angry,and acts like he hates us? Is slipknot affecting him? HELP!

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My 14 yr. old son has changed,he's moody,angry,and acts like he hates us? Is slipknot affecting him? HELP!




  1. hes 14 of course hes acting like this its hormones btw i have NO idea what slipknot is

  2. its a part of growing up

  3. well everyone whos 14 or 13 go through phases like tht. it'll pass just give him space.

  4. It's called puberty.

  5. he is just growing up.. just give him some space but still be there he will come around =)

  6. Loud music like that helps me to stop being moody and angry, etc.

    I always go listen to it when I am, and afterwards I always feel a bit better.

  7. I don't know if you supervise what your son puts in his mouth, our son started acting funky when he turned 16 he is 18 now and he turns into Mr. Hyde when he drinks gatorade, powerade, sugar water.  Oh yes, one time he decided that we were going to buy him a new car, we found out he drank one of those bull drinks.  Talk about liquid courage, we found out about his consuming these things and have control once again.

  8. lol slipknot sucks, your son is a prentencious d**k-hole. If my son ever listen to **** music like that, I would slap him all over the house.

  9. Of course it is. Well puberty might have to do with

    some of it but Slipknot is deffinatly affecting him.

    I no because when ever we had a picnic with my

    bro and two sisters we would have music. Then

    when on of my sisters screamo-emo-hate-the-world-music

    we would end up fighting. so stop the music for a while

  10. no hes hit puberty good luck

  11. He's 14 (I have one of these right now too).  Hang on, stick to your parenting skills and your household rules....he needs you right now.  He's in the rebellious stage....he needs you to be strong and patient and understanding.....he needs to have something to rebel against so that he can understand it later.  Some how this is how humans learn.   Good luck....we will survive!

  12. It's not Slipknot. Or any other band he listens to.

    It is his hormones and other factors that make up puberty.

    He will probably be that way for a while longer, so try to be understanding.

    Example: My mother was very intolerant of my older brother's puberty cycle mood swings etc. She yelled at him, grounded him and took privileges away. He resented her for that.

    He is now 29 and they just started getting along.

    It is of personal opinion that if you are tolerant of his strange state, it will be easier in the end.

    Just please do not let him walk all over you.

    YOU are the parent, not him :)

  13. Hormones do crazy things. Let him do his own thing, but keep that line drawn. He is in a stage right now he can go many different directions.

  14. Most kids are when they're 14.  That doesn't mean it should be ignored, just don't panic. Keep an eye on him, but don't be overbearing.  Definitely don't think this means you need to be his friend instead of his parent now.

  15. His music isn't affecting him it's probably school stress and the fact he is a teenager.

  16. is he goin through something called puberty???

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