
My 15 month old baby has something in her mouth. can it be trush?

by  |  earlier

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ok... 2 molars coming in, 2 teeth coming in. from one day to another my baby developed white patches on her toungue and behind her front upper teeth. She had trush before but it started little by little and soon her mouth was full... this time is just her toungue and its been looking the same for 3 days. her upper teeth is swollen.. giving her tylenol... that gentian violet (sp?) for one day. i have no insurance for her and i am broke as h**l. what can it be?? what else can I do... she does not want to eat.. she drinks her milk just fine... thanks!




  1. if it's on her tung you should go see her doctor.  I believe I've read somewhere that it could be a really bad yeast infection. Try looking it up at

  2. it sounds like thrush but it could just be her gums hurting because when my daughter got her teeth through they did almost the same thing. try to give your daughter a bottle of water after her milk cause it could just be her milk sticking to her gums and tongue see if that helps and if it doesn't try to brush her teeth and gums to help it out some too.

  3. My son had thrush and the doctor informed me it can be difficult to clear up in some cases.  my son had a couple repeats and a few doses of antibiotics before it was wiped out completely.  Make sure all the babies toys and bottles are  cleaned  and sterilized regularly to prevent reinfection.  You will need to get more meds from your doctor though to help your baby beat this.

  4. Sounds like thrush on top of teething.

    Keep her mouth really clean and keep using the GV....if it doesnt clear up within a week you'll have to take her in to a doctor because if thrush spreads or isnt going away after so long it can get worse and make her really sick.

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