
My 15 year old daughter is going through a rough break up. How can I help her?

by  |  earlier

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She won't eat anything, refusing to speak and been crying none-stop since yesterday




  1. Buy her a 9mm....

    She'll do the rest.

  2. poor you

    im 15 and if my boyfriend broke up with me the best thing my parents could do wuld be to give me some space

    like you can always ask her if she wants to talk about it and just listen and be supportive but chances are she doesnt want to talk about it and will want to be left alone

    dont worry she has girlfriends her own age she can talk about it with

    maybe rent out some chick flicks and buy really nice ice cream

    best cure

    until then best thing to do is just wait it out and make sure hses not suicidal

    hope this helps


  3. How sad!!, Give her some time and comfort. Sometimes just having her close friends around her will cheer her up.

    i wouldn't bother with her too much, give her some space to get herself together. she's like any other human being, we sometimes just want to be left alone. I know it's very hard on a parent to see their child upset and we want to make things better, but in this case she needs alone time. maybe plan on a sleep over with a few of her close friends, she will talk about it more with her friends then her parent. It's funny how some children think that us parents don't know anything and have never been there in their situation.

  4. You'll just have to be their for her.

  5. aww.

    that sounds like me about a month ago..

    i just sat in my room in the dark and cryed into my pillow until i fell asleep. and then the next day i managed to get out of bed but i just couldnt stop thinking about it, so id cry and cry and cry.

    just let her know that your here if she wants to talk, or if she needs anything.

    and then leave her alone.

    i know you probably want to help more, but theres not really much more you can do.

    maybe get her dad to talk to her to?

    i know when i was like that i talked to my dad and i felt SO much better, but then again im just closer with my dad then i am my mom.

    shell be okay. itll just take a little while

    i hope she feels better :)  

  6. Find her a new boyfriend?  

  7. give her n00dles

  8. Give her some space, don't try and rush her into talking to you and opening up.

    If she's still this down in a few days try having a girls night in with her. Rent some feel good movies, a big tub of ice cream and just let her know you're there for her!

    she's only 15, so this is obviously hitting her hard but I'm sure there'll be another boy soon!

    Good luck.

  9. Let her know she can talk to you, let her do her own thing for a while and make a fuss over her. Give her plenty of hugs and give her some T.L.C.

    She'll get over him in time, she probably just needs some time. Ask her if she wants to invite her friend over to talk to. She might feel more comfortable talking to a friend, rather than you.

    Good luck!


  10. Gillian, please have her write to me.  I was 14 when i had a bad breakup.  What she is going through right now is one of the hardest things a girl ever has to survive.  My case was a little extreme; the breakup ended up putting me in the hospital for a while.  Read my profile, write me, IM me, have your daughter  write me.  Sometimes it takes an outsider to help a child in crisis.  If her behavior continues to deteriorate, you may want to consider what dad did so bravely for me.  Dad took me to the hospital, and when they determined that I needed to stay a while, dad had to compose himself, and drive away.  I will never be able to thank him enough for that.. If I can help you in any way, let me know.  I've been there.

  11. Nothing will make her feel better. From experience of having heart break at that age. It was hard I even lost 20 lbs. The best thing to do is as a parent give her space because the last thing we want is parents asking questions or even trying to comfort us. Give her a few days its still fresh. Maybe you can communicate with some of her friends after a couple of days have passed to take her out so she can get out of the house and get some fresh air. One thing that helped me was a trip to Vegas, it was fun and a place the guy wasn't connected to. I am not saying take her to Vegas but maybe there is a city with some attractions around you. Take her and a friend out to some place new. It helps clear the mind. Hope that she heals fast <3

  12. I'm fifteen, and I think it's so sweet of you to try and help her. I wish my mom took interest in me like that!

    I can't tell you the best things to do, because it depends on your daughter and your relationship with her.

    But I know that I'd just want a shoulder to cry on, maybe curl up on the couch and watch a movie with my mom, or by myself with my mom babying me a little, making me hot chocolate, making sure I'm comfy. Just little things.

    When I'm upset, I feel like I need to be looked after like I'm a child again.

    Good luck to you and your daughter!   It'll all work out <3

  13. theres nothing u can do that will make her feel better...she has 2 get over it herself...itll just take time.just let her know u r here 4 her when she needs you...right now she needs to be alone and figure things out

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