
My 15 year old daughter wants to become a boxer. Is there a website out there for that? Any schools?

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My 15 year old daughter wants to become a boxer. Is there a website out there for that? Any schools?




  1. no there is no website she can learn boxing from. Boxing cannot be learned from the Internet. Yes there are plenty of boxing schools. Where do you live? you should try and have your daughter send an email to Melanie Ley who can find a good gym for her.

    you could also go to google and search for "boxing gym" + then put the name of where you live here.

    you can email you can also try which has a directory of gyms.

  2. Let her have a nice one right accross the chin, lose a tooth and walk around with a swollen ear that will always give people a reason to ask the famous question "what did the other girl look like". then look into a future in boxing

  3. Um.... well i respect female fighters since they got  a lot of heart Im a pro senior Muay thai/ Thai boxing champ i can hook up but i need more info like where you live and all that but i advice her to tae kwondo i'm  a blck belt it's safer but if she wants 2 do boxing i'm here 2 help contact me at

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