
My 15 year old sister drinks alcohol and smokes pot ?

by Guest45095  |  earlier

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I've got a 15 year old sister (I'm 20) and every weekend she goes out and gets trashed, and I have just found out she also smokes pot. I'm not sure what do to do, she tells our parents that she's babysitting, etc when she's actually out at a party. I think she's way too young to be getting into all this, I was wondering if I should tell my parents what's going on, or just let her go? I'm worried that she'll get herself in trouble.

Thanks in advance guys, much appreciated!




  1. Your 20 years old. you know what right and wrong. and you know that this is definatley wrong. shes doing this kind of stuff at the age of 15? thats not good you should definatley tell your parents. you may seem like the bad guy now but it will help me. marijunana is a gateway drug to other drugs that will do harmful stuff to your life. help or now or all it will do is get worse. yea she might hate you in the beginning but she'll grow out of it and mature. you need to step up and be there for her. your her older brother. thats what older brothers do. look out for there young loved ones. do something before it gets worse.  

  2. definitely bring it up with your sister first

    tell her you know whats giong on and she needs to tell your parents

    if she doesnt then you should step in

    when i was in high school i know what i was capable of

    so i def have a better hand on my sister so she wont make the same mistakes i did

  3. it sounds like a tough situation, i have a similar one but with an older brother believe it or not

    if you are really concerned for her and you think it is life threatening/may lead to other vices you should probably bring it up to your parents

    it's bad that she lies, but i remember doing the same things when i was 15 and i snapped out of it!

    i think the best idea of all would be to try and talk to your sister about it, in a non threatening arena, and try and be her friend more than her 'older sister', because the best thing she can have is someone who can look out for her, provide her with information about the dangers and listen

    because there could be a reason why she is drinking and smoking pot every weekend.

    hope that helps

    with my brother i just try and be his friend and if he reaches out and need help, that's when i give it to him, but it's really important to keep the trust in the relationship

  4. that sux dude tell her to stop and if she doesnt tell ur parents iguess

    though you will look like a tattler...

  5. truly the best thing is for her to find out her mistakes. u can never make anyone change. in ur case if u try she might get away from u. let events flow its her decision just hope she learns from the events that follow.ur parents are probably gonna make things worse try to connect to her :D

  6. Are you two close, maybe you can talk to her, give her some good life advice about her actions....if that doesnt get thru to her tell mom and dad, ask them to keep you out of it though.

  7. Try talking to her like a loving sister and not discipline her like your parents. Don't force her to try and change her ways and just be there whenever she needs it. If it gets really serious you might have to talk to your parents but that might make it worse. I know that because whenever my parents try to talk to me about something I just get more mad and continue to rebel!

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