
My 15 year old son has posters of girls? should i remove them?

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My 15 year old son has posters of girls? should i remove them?




  1. if they r naked posters then of course but if the girls are clothed in the appropriate areas then u should leave some. hes a boy who is going to like girls in his life maybe they give him confidence to talk to a girl u never know

  2. Naked? If they are not naked and armless, why should you remove them?

  3. No I think its completely normal for 15 yr. old boys to have posters of women.

  4. kee[ them up but talk to him make understand why some would see it as a porblem.

  5. If they are in anyway seductive or offensive to women, yes.  Even if they are clothed, this will lead to bad habits later in life.

  6. While it is normal for teenage boys to have posters of hot woman, if it is offensive to you or if it violates the value system your trying to teach him and your other children then by all means remove it but also offer to replace it with posters that you find tasteful but give him some input on the replacement posters.

  7. well it all depends on what kind of pictures they are if they are girls in swimsuits I would leave them but if they are half nakedgirls then I would throw them away. by the way if the pictures are interfering with his schoolwork then i would remove them

    hope i helped

  8. I would say "no" unless these posters are of a graphic, p**n-like nature.

    When you were growing up I'm sure that Farrah Fawcett or some other famous or popular beauty was gracing the walls of your room. If you actually didn't decorate in posters then at least show your son you will stay balanced and open minded with his tastes. Otherwise he will feel that he doesn't have the freedom of expression. Set some boundaries of what's allowed to be hung on his walls as long as he's under your roof.

    I used to clash with my daughter at that age about her taste in music and what she wore outside the house. A friend gave me advice that really helped. My friend advised that it's best to get involved in their "world" of friends, music, fashion...etc. Open the doors of communication and find out how to relate on their level. Take time to listen to their music, even if it's not your taste in music. Get to know who they are as young adults while you have the time to.

    Appreciate these growing moments. They don't last long enough. My daughter is now 20 and engaged and about to own their first home. Good luck with your son. I hope this gets worked out for you.

  9. . . . .and you never had any when you were 15. And you never jerked off looking at them. Yeah, right.

  10. hey its his room his property, the 1 only room he can be alone and think, so if you take his will to decorate his room he will obvi find away to get back wat he wants/ and his thoughts too

  11. I would.

    I woudln't want my fifteen year old boy sexually obsessed.

  12. would you rather he had posters of men.

    if the posters are not degrading leave them.

    you should also discuss your views with your son and hear out his.

  13. Well, if they really offend you, I suppose - but he's 15, you should let him express himself the way he wants - meaning he can decorate his room on his own.

  14. It would be inappropriat if they were nudes but just pictures of pretty girls is fine and be thankful there not posters of boys.

  15. No at least he likes girls. But if they are naked then yeah. A 15 year old boy should like women but not naked ones. Dont let him have p**n like that. Thats how girls end up getting raped.

  16. Personally, I would take take them down.  Many of the posters I've seen are tacky and not appropriate for a 15 year old.  In fact, it is not something I would want my son or husband hanging anywhere in our house, and I don't think that it is a behavior that should be fostered at any age.  I would encourage putting up things that are not degrading to woman...  sports posters, bands, or other motivational things... Just my thoughts.

  17. I dont think i would allow my 15 year old to have posters of women. I mean......if its miley cyris and your son likes this girl off disney channel or her music or something, that is reasonable because they are within age and hes got great reasons for having her pictures!

    But if we are talking women of age 30 wearing bathing suits and have that beautiful body that shimmers on the beach with the s**y long up to their 60's have those kinds of women hanging all over their house and their garages. And your son is only 15......scientifically boys dont mature until about 25. Thats 8 years past his due date of being 18-the featured age of an adult.And if hes got these women on posters, it may be a good idea to have him take them down and focus more on something more positive for his age. Maybe you could make a promise to give them back to him early maybe at 17 1/2 yrs old if he shows more interest in other things besides older women.

  18. i think if they're innapropriate as in naked or in bras nd thongs you should remover them or if they're seductial .

    hope i helped =]

  19. If there not naked then no....And why would you remove them that means he's not g*y

  20. Of course! It's totally normal! He is 15, give him a break! He is probably already masturbating for over a year. Don't remove the posters. He will be devastated by your lack of trust in him if you do.

  21. dont remove them because it will just make him want more naked posters and his bad habits will worsen.

    kids go against everything their parents think! so it would be a bad idea removing them as you will go in his room the next day to find that his wall is covered lol.

    also, its not a bad thing as every boy of that age is thinking of women in a sexual way usually.. hes just a normal teenager.

  22. No unless their naked. My 10 year old brother has pictures of girls in his room

  23. if theyre offensive.

    but if theyre not then no, let him be himself

  24. Dont be silly, it is perfectly natural for males of all ages to look at the female body, it is perfectly natural to want to look at a females naked body especially at 15 years. as long as they are reasonable respectfull and tasteful i dont see there is a roblem, obviosly if they are showing EVERYTHING that the lady has got then this is another matter. in this case just tell him that you would rather keep them ones for his 'private time', and that if he wants pictures up you would like them within reason.

  25. Not unless they're nude if not leave them be!

  26. If they are normal pics (even the revealing type) and they are in his room, then no.

    Nude ones you probably should tell him to keep in a place where casual observers can't easily see them.

  27. well i theyre naked or wearing underwear only then remove them and if theyre not then theyre not doing any harm

  28. i think its completly normal becuase he is at that age. BUT if they are a little over the top ask him if he'd mind becuase i dont think you would want to invite family over and have them see it. tell him you dont like it all that much but u have nothing against it and to have him just to not put something up thats a lil too much . but if you have smaller children in the house then i think its better if you take them down . and tell him to just keep them in his draws or with his magazines if he doesnt want to be resonable o well too bad ur house ur rules u tryed

  29. not unless its out of reason of course

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