
My 15month old has a fever and its late what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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shes really hot and has a bad cough




  1. Judge it by how sick she looks and feels rather than what her temperature is(unless it is outrageous). Fever fights off infection.

  2. a small cough and a low temp can be treated with tylenol and maybe a cough suppressant... if she didn't have fever earlier and is currently acting fine- then just keep checking on her and see. if the temp is over 101 then do the bath and cold drinks- strip down to diaper. try to get the temp down first. if the temp is over 103 and/or she is lethargic (i know it's late but you can still tell)- or if she seems to be in pain- then go ahead and go to the urgent care or er. you don't want to overreact but you can tell if she's really sick or if she's just fussy and a little sick. lots of cuddling.

  3. How hot?  Give her tylenol or motrin.  If the fever does not go down, take her to the ER.  IF her fever is over 101, you may want to take her to urgent care.  If it is 103 or higher immediately go to the ER.  IF she has a bad diaper rash, stiff neck, lethargic, major loss of appetite OR if you mothers intuition is kicking in take her to the ER.  ALWAYS trust your gut.


  5. If the temp is 101 or below most likely it is nothing and will pass on its own, you can give tylenol for comfort and a cool washcloth on the head to keep her cool and give lots of fluids.  If it is above 101 it may require ibprophen and if it is 102 or above try to keep him/her comfortable twith ibprophen and a cool washcloth and a cool bath and lots of fluids then call the Dr first thing in the morning.

  6. If you have IEHP you are able to contact the nurse hotline! Or any insurance you have should have one! Otherwise take him to the ER or try Tylenol first !

  7. Call your doctor's answering service if you are concerned.  That is why you pay the doctor.  Always trust your "mom" instincts.

  8. Start out with Tylenol... if the fever comes back within 3 1/2 hours.. give Ibuprophen. If you alternate the two during the night and fever doesn't break... call your doctor in the morning and see if they can see your baby.

    Also try to keep them wrapped up in a blackent while they sleep.. that will also help to break the fever.

    Good Luck!

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