
My 15th bday is coming up this august and i dont know what i shoukld do!! HELP!!!???????

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My 15th bday is coming up this august and i dont know what i shoukld do!! HELP!!!???????




  1. well make is something kinda big but not as big as your 16th birthday maby a swimming party would be good or a small sleepover or a big get together wit all your friends and family  

  2. Dude, don't worry so much. You should be happy it's your 15th and not your 40th. Kids these days grow up so fast, so take the time to enjoy it, and JUST HAVE FUN! As for what to do take like ALL of your friends to the mall to hang, and do stuff, that's not lame, and it's fun.


  3. throw a pool party & bbq. check with the local pools to see if they rent them  out. have fun

  4. for ya big 15 go buy u a hot fresh new outfit and go out to a party or ya hood and take hella pics...or go to the mall with ya friends and go find u a boy/girl...i sure hopes this helps

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