
My 16 birthday sleepover?

by  |  earlier

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This is basically the last sleepover im ever gonna have, because well im grown up now. I've only been here for a year so i dont know many people, so hopfully someone shows.

Its a chocolate theme and i have all the decorations, food, invites, and movies planned.

All i need help with are activities that dont cost to much and that are mature i guess, not like i dont know "pin the tail" or something.

Please help?




  1. watch chocolat... hahah

    play wii or playstation.. dance dance

    have a dance party

    watch a cute movie

  2. "Truth or Dare" is always fun,  but keep it safe. Do you have good music on hand? Maybe ask then to bring their favorite CD's.

  3. Well,, i used to play this game called "ghost" and you have to play it in the dark..the night,, so what you do, is everyone has a bleanket over there head, and then 1 person is a ghost...the other ppl hide somewhere in your room, and then where they cant see, you sneak up to them and they dont know it, and just scream "BOOO!" right in  their face. Its fun! lol.

  4. A cheep game called apples to apples and some movies with lots of chocolate and pillows

  5. Make your own Trivia Game with categories that would be fun for your guests... possibly questions about movies, music, television, popular "fads", teen stars, etc etc...

    Make your own Win Lose or Draw game.  Get a large tablet of paper and prop it up on a stand or other piece of furniture.  Provide either black or four basic color markers.  Have cards ready in advance and a stopwatch/minute timer.  Divide into two teams.  Give first player a card with a word on it ( easy or hard.. you can decide... could be table, could be birthday cake... could be nurse... ANYTHING you want)...WITHOUT TALKING OR GESTURES, that player has to draw it or clues and their team has a minute to guess .. if they do 1 point... then a card is given to second team, etc etc.....At first people may think oh brother, but then they will like it!!

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