
My 16 month old and sleeping problems...?

by Guest34384  |  earlier

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My 16 month old son has been waking up once a night for the past month ( since we got from Europe and he was jet legged), and he cannot go back to sleep. He wants to be held, swayed, etc., but doesn't want yo go to sleep on his own. He shares the room with his 3 year old sister, so it is a big problem..any advice?




  1. Everything that these ladies have said, I totally agree. Make his bathtime fun along with some Johnson and Johnson Soothing Vapor bath. If you bathe him after dinner he should get tired very quickly and stay away from food with high sugar content as they could be the culprits of his behavior. Warm milk always works with the above mentioned.  Good Luck, Mommy!

  2. Give him a teddy bear to sleep with.

  3. sometimes letting them cry it out works wonders, i know it has for me. my children are exactly the ages of yours and they sleep perfectly during naps and well through the night because i taught them to sooth themselves back to sleep by crying it out. it may seem mean, but it's not. they will not die and they won't hate you. this is best for everybody. it's hard to let your children cry and you will lose a lot of sleep waiting for him to learn how to go back to sleep but it did work for my family. good luck!

  4. As Amber said, crying it out works wonders.  Good Luck!

    Crying it out isn't mean, as Amber stated.  Sometimes, it's just what is best for everyone involved.  There are much worse things a child can go through.  Multiple surgeries, being stuck in a body cast, ........are just a couple things my son has gone through and he's WONDERFUL.  Yes, he's a bit crabby but he's my little crab and that's amazing!

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