
My 16 month old daughter has little red bumps on her diaper line, almost on her thigh. anyone know what it is?

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she got them like 2 days ago and there were only like 5 now they have tripled. i dont think its a heat rash which is what my original thought was. its not a normal diaper rash because its not really on her bum. could it be a reaction to cutting her teeth?




  1. there are many forms of diaper rash. try an antifungal cream or oatmeal baths and use cornstarch with each diaper change.  

  2. More than likely it is a form of diaper rash. They come in many different shapes and colors. My sons gets it when it is really warm and also if he has or is getting a cold. I would try letting her air out, go for an hour or so without a diaper and see if it gets better.

  3. Could be from rubbing on her diaper or from being moist...try putting some baby powder on your hands, them rubbing it on the area.  

  4. could be yeast infection. just ask your Pediatrician and I'm sure she could give you what she gave me which was Vusion which helped in like two days! Good LucK..

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