
My 16 month old son is into hitting me and, other people, how can I stop it?

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*I tried grabbing his hand firmly and saying, Please do not hit me or, no, we don't hit. He then smacks me and says No. It also probably doesn't help that I live in a single parent dorm and when people see him hit me they laugh...I think I'll try time out?!?




  1. I two year old daughter used to hit people. It all started when she went to  playgroup. I took her out for other reasons, and the hitting stopped. I don't know if that's the reason he's hitting, I'm just saying that was the problem for us.

  2. You have to teach him that it is not acceptable. Give him time outs or take away a toy for a could minutes each time he does it and he will learn that a behavior like that will not be tolerated and when he hits someone he will be punished.

  3. well

    when i was that age i was the same

    but what my mom did to me was put boxing gloves(or anything really soft on my hands and feet)to help me

    once i found out i wasnt hurting anyone i would stop

    or i wouldnt stop and just get tired at the end and fall asleep

    the main thing is that people wont get hurt

  4. Tell him to his face in a calm manner. No hitting (his name) Say this while holding the offending hand. Dont yell just raise your voice a bit.

    Daycare- use time outs

    Grocery store- dont take him or if you have to set up the ground rules before you go. Never spank or hit the kid. Hes learning and probably feels that this is the quickest way to get your attention. You'll work it out just STICK TO YOUR CONVICTIONS and stay consistent at all costs.

  5. Make sure you state "If I see you hit, then ___" No snack, time-out, spanking, etc.  Say this phrase often with a consequence your 16 month son doesn't like and make sure you always go through with it.  He'll realize which is the better option.  Also tell him "If you hit someone at daycare, then ___" Then ask when you pick him up if he hit.

  6. you can gently tie his hands believe it or not he'll get the message after a while

    but do it only after he hits somebody

  7. Discipline, discipline, discipline!  Be fair, but be consistent.  Children need boundaries and look to us to provide them.  When he hits, you tell him no and he gets a time out.  If that doesn't work, then you tell him no and he gets a swat on the behind.  I am not suggesting that you beat him, but a swat on the behind never killed any ones kid!  He needs to learn this now, before he is the kid that no one wants to play with or have around.  I know one of those, and I blame the parents.  How is he to know how to act if he has no guidance?  

  8. spank him in the butt it ussually does the trick it really works and ground him

  9. dont spank your child wen he hits  you you need to put him in his room and give him a little time to think about wat he did wrong the go back in there and talk to him in a calm voice tell him wat he did wrong  

  10. Tell Him Stop it no Stop it

  11. ohh i know what your saying. my cousin is the exact same way. I think you need to discipline them in another way. Just use words, dont even spank him. my mom usually does by saying enough is enough and kids usually listen to her.. hope that helped...good luck

  12. Although when these things happen we think that it is so funny =) it really isn't b/c it just gets worse. I am a mother of 2  little boys 4 & 2 and I know what you are going through. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot you can do. Although I will say make sure you make a effort not to laugh at him and NOT to make it a big deal. The more you make over it reguardless of good or bad attention the more he will want to do it. I would try very hard to ignore it. The hitting thing will go away once he gets hit back by another child his own age he will realize that it hurts. As far the fits in check out, maybe try giving him a little something to look at or play with while in line would help. Sometimes we have to wai in line so long and for a infant or toddler it feels like forever. =) Just try to remember that. Good luck!  

  13. Give him a timeout!

  14. Haha how cute


    Well he is 16 MONTHS OLD.

    Give it a rest

    He'll let go off the habit

    Trust me

  15. Next time he does it, tell him NO and maybe take something away from him or sit him in time out. Because eventually he'll relize that if he hits someone, he'll get his favorite toy taken away or not get to play.

  16. You need super nanny

    Okay, here is the deal  you have to hold his hands/arms really snuggly every single time he hits so hold him close and pretty tight telling him while looking him sternly in the eye that this is not allowed ever.  He will be punished w/ a timeout but don't do this portion until after you have spent the next few days doing the above over and over.  

    The last three or four times before you have to send him back out into public make sure he has then been put into time out which will be difficult as well

    Good Luck

  17. Alright. I know what your going through. If you hit him hard enough he will know it hurts and he will stop!

  18. Big difference between spanking for discipline and a a kid smacking adults for no reason.

    A tap and that's it is ineffective because it doesn't get the point across.

    There is nothing wrong with a swat on hand or bum for this. Then put him in the corner and tell him not to move. Take his favorite toy too. You have to make the punsihment harsh, so that it is no longer worth doing it for him.

    The fits, ignore them. DO NOT give him what he wants in the line. When he stops, tell him you're taking away the fave toy because he can't act like a big boy.

  19. Try taking one of his favorite toys away when he hits someone. And if he's good, reward him with a yummy snack or something.

  20. it might be a phase... or a problem. i watch nannie 911 or super nanny.

  21. my sister used to do the same when she was little.

    have you ever thought why he is hitting?

    my sister went to playgroup and ever since then she kept hitting people.

    i dont know any soloution but i know what you mean :/


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