
My 16 moths old doesn't take a nap anymore!?

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it's been 4 days since he stopped taking naps. when i put him in his crib he will cry cry cry, i check on him every 15 min or so but he goes for an hour until i give up and can't stand hearing screaming. he did this since friday and same deal everyday, he doesn't look tired at all and goes to sleep around 8:30 or 9 pm.

i don't see anything i can do. my only question is: is this just a stage?




  1. I stopped taking naps at 10 months lady its normal

  2. god my kids never napped i am jealous that yours did til 16 monthes...but btw mine always slept through the night...normal honey

  3. no its not just a stage, my kids didnt sleep in the day from around 12 months.... you should hold back on the putting him down in the day and leaving him to cry and put him to bed at 7pm and leave him to cry it out then, be strong he will soon get the idea that its bed time, good luck

  4. This is probably a stage. I would find a week this would happen and then for a while it would stop. It is a little young to stop taking a nap but I have been through it. If you find that you just really need him to take a nap (I would really need the break) then plan accordingly. Wear him OUT.. Take him outside for some fresh air, or if you can go swimming. The more physical activity he can get in the morning then after a full belly at lunch he will crash. Good Luck...

  5. Could be.  My son did that for about 3 days when he was around 18 months.. Your son may just be going through a longer stage. Naps are important at this age and it looks like you are doing everything you can to encourage it. Does he sleep thru the night ok? If he is waking, perhaps he has an ear infection or something uncomfortable that is keeping him from sleeping. I would continue to put him in his crib at nap time. When you check on him, don't let him see you because that may just get him all riled up again when you leave. Hang in there. Give it another week. I know it seems like a long time, but I definitely thing it is a stage or  there is something underlying going on. Make sure his sheets aren't scratchy, nothing is in his room that scares him or make sure you aren't giving him anything caffienated during the day.. Stuff like that. Good luck.

  6. My daughter did the same thing and I was worried as well. It was frustrating but she was later identified as gifted and it turns out that an early characteristic of gifted children is that they stop needing naps during the day much earlier than their peers. Just food for thought. My he's not stubborn.....just brilliant!

  7. Your son is telling you that he does not want or need to sleep. You are very lucky that he goes down at night as most children will not do this if they have a nap during the day.

  8. My oldest daughter quit napping after her first birthday.  So it probably isn't a phase.  You're just going to have to deal with him being up and about now.

  9. My son had trouble taking naps when he was a toddler as well - this was resolved by a 15 minute drive up the street and back. I could usually get him to sleep for an hour or two...

    I would keep him in his car seat, and bring the whole thing into the house, plopping him onto the couch.  Worked everytime.

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