
My 16 wk old male kitten is hissing at my new 13wk old female kitten. Is this normal? Should I be worried?

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I plan to keep them both. I just want to make sure that they will be fine. Since they will be with each other everyday all day.




  1. Yes very normal... just wait it out

  2. yes it is normal, its natural just let it play out

  3. Don't worry about it. If something a couple the times of you came close you would prob. be scared too.

  4. Am assuming that you got them at different times, the one hissing is most likely the first, if so he is establishing "pecking Order" meaning that he was there first and she is the New One on the block thus telling her he is boss.  Usually nothing to worry about and they will work it out in a short time generally.  He will most likely be a loving mate and they will take up together in play, sleeping and grooming.  Just let it work itself out if he gets hurtful to her, then scold and seperate and then give both lots of love.


  5. This is completely normal! Give it about a week and they should be fine. I have a 16yr old female cat and I adopted an 8wk male cat and the first week was a little rough but it gets better believe me, especially because they're young. Make sure to give each of them their own space so they have somewhere to hide if they need to. I used cat carriers that I filled with blankets, if you don't have that maybe a cardboard box with a hole in the side. Hope this helps! Good luck!

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