
My 16 year old brother will be living with me

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So my 16 year old brother will be living with me and I wanted to know what rules I should set up?




  1. behave yourself and make him behave good to one another and treat one another nicely.

  2. being closer to him and sharing more time and activities will show you how mature you brother is. first you have to know what he's really like, before setting any rules. take it a day at a time. if he's always home by 9pm, you won't be needing any curfew rules. if he's neat and tidy, you won't be needing any housework rules. you'll figure it all out as you go along. be nice and polite to each other. sometimes, just because it's family we dare to be mean and bitchy with each other, and do things and say things we wouldn't do/say to strangers. good luck and enjoy yourselves! probably you'll be talking about this when you 80, make sure you get lots of beautiful memories!

  3. It seems you know that you can't be like a dad to him or you wouldn't ask, which is a good start.  Like the 2nd answer says, on parts of it, take it one day at a time.  See where he needs to have rules and guidelines before you make all of them, but from the get-go you should probably tell him to make sure he keeps his room clean, does his own clothes/dishes, help a little around the house when possible, do homework.  Those kinds of things are things he needs to do and aren't really rules that you're making to "punish" him or "put him to work" but to make sure he betters himself and keeps himself in line.  

    As far as other rules, it's whatever rules you set for yourself, apply for him.  They may have other time changes or limitations but you have to set the example as the big brother.  It will fall into place better once he's been there and you two can see how well you work together.

    Best of luck to ya!

  4. 1. curfew like say 12 on weekend and 10:30 on school nights

    2. No drinking, or drugs.

    3. He needs to let you know where he is going to be when he goes out.

    4. check with you before going out or inviting people over.

    5. what ever task or chore's you think he needs to do.

    hope that helps, and I have read some of your other Q's i'm glad that it all worked out.

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