
My 16 year old daughter is preg. by a 23 year old. they want to get married, I say no! what do u think?

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My 16 year old daughter is preg. by a 23 year old. they want to get married, I say no! what do u think?




  1. well 16 is legal for s*x in australia

    18 is for marriage,

    so legally here they cant get married.

    where abouts in the world are we talking about?


    *good luck

  2. I say no as well. If when she is 18 they are still together (theres a good chance there might not be) then they can decide to get married.

  3. in miami FL you can get married only be parental consent..there two ways to gain fromthis..either they get married on paper...n the father has legal rights the child if anything goes wrong..that covers him n ur daughter..if he walks out on her..or she leaves him..but depending on ur econmical situation that might not be your best bet..if she a single parents she can alot of goverment assistance, with health insurance for her n the baby, paying for 16 n my cuzin whos 18 gt his 15 yr old girlfriend pregnet... they want to get married because since hes jjoining the milatary they completely support her n the baby...good luck email me if anything

  4. I say yes. The baby will be legal and wont have to deal with feeling unloved and unwanted by their dad  

    If they divorce. . .  well, people divorce all the time. It may work out.

  5. she has to have consent from your first. Also if u didnt aprrove of them being together, charge him for stagetory rape

  6. you want to lose ur daughter than sure! im 17 and engaged to a 30 year old!! you look at our ages oh that is sick!! u cant help who u fall in love with!! if i could fall in love to a younger guy than sure!! but im in love with him and i would not change it! its only a 7 yr distance get over it! u want ur daughter to be a single mum!! pull ur head in or u will lose her

  7. I bet you said 'no' to her having s*x and look what happened then!

  8. I think you should've been disciplining her along time ago, but it's too late for that. So, I say "no." Marriage is a whole new ball game. They can have a child, and they can raise the child. In most states, unless you're 18 your parents have to sign for you to be able to get married. So, I'd say no. Most teen marriages last less than a year and divorces are expensive.  

  9. im

  10. err i'd think he was a creep, but they cant get married without your consent until shes 18 if theyre in the UK, unless they run off to gretna green or summat =|

  11. well shes pregnet they want to be together let them oi bet if he wouldnt want to be with ger then you would want them to be married right  

  12. I wouldn't say no, I'd say h**l NO! That's illegal darling, send his *** to jail.

  13. if you truley think the guy is bad, put him in jail. whatever you do let your daughter know you love her no matter what. try to have a serious talk, treat her like an adult.  

  14. Well, 16 is the age of consent in most states and countries, so if 16 is the legal age in your area, pressing charges won't do much(although even if it were illegal, pressing charges would only make the situation worse.)

    A shotgun wedding isn't ideal, but she's carrying a baby now so she needs to be the one making decisions for her child and herself.  

  15. I dont know if you know but here in california a 23 year old cant mess around with a 16 year old she is still a miner and he can get into big problems I tell I know becuase I know someone that has that thats a felony he had s*x with a miner and man he can go to jail for years trust me advice them that if they dont want to get into problems to wait unitl she is 18 becuse if any one fins out her age and his he will be put in jail asap trust me Good luck to you guys  

  16. It depends how responsiable she is if she gets marry.

  17. I think you should throw his *** in jail.

  18. I know her having s*x and getting married isn't something you wanted her to do,but at least they are trying to do the right thing. i would suggest they wait on for the baby to come. Let the 23 be there for her  . You will be able to see if they want to get married & if they can handle being married, after all is  said and done.  This could end up better than you think, just try not to be so outspoken. Remember  this is her life and she made her bed now she has to ly in it. be her mother but also remember this is going to be your grandchild and you don't want to mess this up so she doesn't let you see the child,but you can also stand your ground. Just try to find an even balance for yourself.

    Good luck

  19. I would be glad he would love my daughter enough to do the responsible thing. When I was 16 I was dating guys a lot older than me ( 20-24) only because the guys around me acted like they were 5.  I would ask them to wait until after the baby is born to decide if they still want to get married or not.. that will give them the opportunity to be "engaged" but give them time to learn about eachother and think about getting married.  

  20. umm i don't know where abouts in the world you are but where i live i am fairly sure he would go to jail?

    and also they would not be allowed to get married unless they have your permission AND she would have to prove to a judge that she is doing it of her own free will and she will be safe and provided for etc..

    but that's where i live

    as for what i think, in the long run she will probably regret marrying. she should wait 2 or 3 years. i dunno how long they have been together, how  mature she is etc but i think you are right to say no. it's definitely a bad idea. it's good that she wants to create a family for the baby but i really doubt she is ready for a baby AND a husband. tell her you will think about it AFTER she has the baby, and if they both still want to and she is safe and they can provide for the baby then maybe it will be okay

  21. Well, she's going to need your permission to get married if you live in the US. But, they should both realize that having a baby is not a reason to get married. Yes, they will both be connected by this child for the rest of their lives, but marriage is a huge step that should not be taking so lightly. Millions of people have gotten married just because of pregnancy, and about 95% of those marriages end because the couples eventually realize that they were not as "in love" as they thought they were.

    I would tell her that they can get engaged, but until she's 18 she's not getting married. This will give them plenty of time to adjust to being parents and deciding if they're really in love.

  22. Well she needs your permission until she turns 18, so continue saying no until there is nothing you can do about it. If they really want to get married, they can wait two years.

    Two years is a decent trial period to find out if a child is really a reason to get married. They will find out it is not, but if they do love each other, they will last and hopefully come to their senses about such a quick marriage.  

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