
My 16 year old daughter is pregnant.?

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I really want to be supportive and I really want her to finish school. Does anyone have any advice on parenting a young parent and trying to be a grandma too. I could use some input or suggestions if any of you have been in this situation or know anyone who has. Thanks.




  1. I got pregnant when I was sixteen with my son......I am now forty. My mother was my number one supporter. Without her help I could not have made it. Just support her....she needs you more than ever now. There is no changing things so look to the future. If you are able to care for the baby while she is at school then do so but make sure that she knows she is the mother and she needs to be the main caregiver. That means not going out with friends like she once did.....because a baby depends on her.

    My son is now 24, married, going to school and very successful in everything he does. I owe that in part to my mother for her help when I was just a child raising a child.

  2. Well I'm a teen myself, so I've never been in your situation, but I suggest visiting a non-profit pregnancy clinic with your daughter.  Most of them offer parenting classes for young moms, along with other resources, and they'll have advice for you too.

    You should also talk to the school guidance counselor.  Some districts have programs specifically for student parents, and many more have online classes.  Good luck!

    <3 Kelsey

  3. I became pregnant with my son when i was 17. My son is almost two, i am almost 20. We lived with my mom for quite a while. It was very difficult. It's never easy when you have to be a parent figure as well as a grandparent figure. My mom and I were constantly at eachothers throats about how to deal with certain things with the baby, but the thing that kept us from killing eachother or going insane was that my mom knew when to step back and let me make the final decisions. It took over a year, but my mom now respects the fact that I AM THE MOM. If he wants something from her, she tells him to ask me first. You need to find the right ways to distinguish between being your daughters mother, and your grandbaby's grandmother. Also, if she ever tries to disipline him, even if you think it's not the right way, don't contradict her. The baby will grow up not respecting her. I think this is how you end up seeing all of these grandmas raising their teenager's kids. They step in and override what mom says, and the babies know it! Be respectful of her rules. Even though she is living in your home, let her run the show when it comes to the baby. Good luck. Don't worry, I got married and moved out. She will someday, too!

  4. Well Scooter,

    If my 16 year old came home pregnant, she would not be pregnant the next week.

    Yeah, yeah, bring on the pro-life at all costs kinda folks and the thumbs down.

    This situation is unacceptable.

  5. Look around your county..for a evenstart program...its for young mothers..and mothers to be.....its really good..i was preg at 16 also....went to this program....if you email me and let me know wut town..I can find one in a heartbeat....

    this evenstart also has paretning classes...classes for the children..for different ages while the mom is in class

  6. I have not been in this situation myself, however I did get pregnant at 18 and my mother was so supportive. either way i would have kept the baby, but we became really close through it all and we still are. Good for you for being so supportive!!!! You are going to be a awesome Grandmother!!

  7. Guess the only thing you can do is be supportive and encouraging because the world is going to be hard on her.  Try to make things less difficult for her as a parent and student but HARDER for her to be in this situation again, make sure she know the sacrifice.  All you can do is be a mother to her and grandmother to the baby. Push her to make sure she go to college and make something of herself so she won't be another statistic

  8. You sound like a wonderful parent. I think the most important thing you can do for your daughter is to support her, good for you. I got pregnant at a young age and could not tell anybody, i ended up miscarying and had to deal with it all alone.

    As long as she knows she has you to help her, everything will turn out fine

  9. Hey, im 17 but 16 when i had my duaghter. im still in school and start college in january. Of course though i have my mothers help. I dont really got any advise since im in her shoes not yours. but i think its really important to have your familys support. and i know if it wasnt for my mom helping me theres no way i could do what i do now,  So i wish the best of luck you all 3 of you!

  10. It's tough.  I think your daughter should count her blessing that she has a supportive mother like you.  Thank goodness for that.  I know when my brother and his gf became teen parents, we all pooled.  I watched my nephew during the summer while my brother worked and his GF went to summer school.  Both Grandparents were involved and helped out with daycare expenses and other things.  My brother's job only paid minimum wage and he was in HS and worked some week nights.  So, my nephew was floating around between homes.  

    I saw the their struggle.  Our parents wanted both of them to at least finish hs, however, my brother is a college grad.  He and his then GF are married and had one more baby they took care of on their own this time.

    I hope you'll get support from her BF's family too.

  11. Im seventeen and at my school I knew a girl who got pregnant. Something she did was since she was out of school for so long, she is taking some summer classes for some grades that went too low and there are also credit recovery courses. I agree with you- staying in school is SO important. I can't give any motherly advice obviously, but just be the very best grandmother you can be = )

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