
My 16 year old daughter was smoking a cigarette in front of me when the sheriff walked up. I live in CA.?

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This the only time I have ever been in trouble with the law. What should I expect my sentence to be?




  1. Should not be bad at all! It will be like a drinking ticket, maybe even not as bad. You will most likely just have to pay for "court fees"

  2. Minor in possession for her, if they charge her. Corruption of a minor for you. Just say she was trying to make you angry. At least you wont get screwed. I doubt they'll do anything.

  3. You sound like father of the year. Would you say anything if your daughter started selling her body for money or using cocaine in front of you?

    You can expect Contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Minor in possession and if they really want to burn you, possibly child endangerment.

    To the person who said age of consent in CA is 16, you are wrong.

    It's 18 per the California Penal code.

    Ack you guys are killing me. If you refuse to sign a ticket in CA you are going to be asked nicely to sign, if you refuse again, you will be put in handcuffs, searched and taken to jail so you can appear before a magistrate immediately.  

    Don't refuse to sign tickets it will not get you out of it, and signing a ticket is not an admission of guilt it just is a promise to appear.

  4. No matter what - do not sign anything or admit any guilt.  Your daughter smoked and it's not your fault.  By admitting any sort of guilt you put yourself in a compromising position where even your daughter can be taken away from you.

  5. death

  6. A slap on the wrist. If you live in the state of california your daughter is at the age of consent. My dad when i was caught with a cigarette in my hand made me smoke the whole dam pack at the age of fifteen to teach me a lesson. I do not think that it really worked because as an adult i just got addicted.

  7. Don't forget to add a case with child services

  8. this has happen to me. It was thrown out because the ticketing police officer didn't show up. But before he left I asked him what was the fine he said most likely be 55$+court fee's it was nothing cause he didn't show up. he had to write me a ticket cause he seen it he even said He wasn't going to show up lol.

  9. Since when does the gov't tell us how to raise our children. Communism, here we come.  

  10. You'll most likely pay a fine and you might even have to do some community service. Contributing to a minor.

  11. 25 years to life..... sorry my bad

  12. The Sheriff walked up and did what?  It is not illegal to watch somebody disobey the law.  Is there evidence that you gave her the tobacco?  If so you could be charged with a violation of Pen C 308, which has a maximum punishment of a $200 fine (with assessments that could work out to about $625).  I really doubt that this could be stretched into a charge of violating Pen C 272 (contributing to the delinquency of a minor).  In fact, I would be surprised if any charge at all was filed.

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