
My 16-year-old friend was sent to intensive outpatient drug rehab & foster care for 3 months & wont see me?

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He says his foster mom is very anal and wont let him hang out or call me since im in my late 20's.

Plus, he started dating a 23-year-old 'recovering' crystal-meth addict he found from his group therapy. His foster mom allows that relationship but not ours. I've always been clean and sober.

Anyway, my friend is bi-polar, ADD, anxiety, h.s. dropout, parents never married and split, and he now works at micky dees full time.

I went to see him at his work and he basically acknowldged my presence for 5 seconds, but he wouldnt come out to talk to me. He went in the back hiding.

My question is: do you think he will contact me when he "gets out of foster care" next month or is he blowing me off because he has a new bf or some other reason?




  1. ok,your in you late 20's and he's 16.He is a child you should respect his foster moms wishes.

  2. I can understand ur sentiments but I like to advise u to keep away from ur friend till he is fully recovered and in normal mental state, please dont try to interfere with his treatment. Let the Doc handle him first then take his guidance and ask when can u meet him. I assure u he will surely meet u when he is completely well

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