
My 16 yr old sis stil sucks her thumb is this normal?

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do u think its gross?

do u suck ur thumb?




  1. I have had a couple friends still sucking their thumbs in their sleep well into their 20's.  Probably still do.  A cousin sucked his 45 still does.  Went through military and everything.  

    I wouldn't worry too much about it.  

    Maybe she does it because YOU stress her?  Ever think of that?  Just kidding, but you never know...she probably stresses over things and it feels soothing!

  2. my cousin use to suck her thumb till she was sixteen too, luckily she stopped.

    you should try and help your sister (:

  3. shes sixteen?!

    She needs to shake that habit.

    i used to be a very big thumb sucker until i was 6, and that was bad.

    it shifted my jaw and the roof of my mouth and i had to have braces for 7 years.

    She needs help!

  4. WELL I DID UNTIL THEN ITS DEPRESSION or a sad part in her life

  5. Yeah i used to suck my thumb but i stopped when i was young.  My sis used to suck her thumb- she only stopped at 16  when she got braces cos the dentist told her the braces wouldn't do anything until she did. She got her braces off today so we'll see if that completely stopped her!  We never knew why she did it but i would say that it has something to do with security, or not being happy. My mums cousin also still sucks her thumb i think she nearly 40!

    If she really wants to stop you can get a nail polish type liquid (that is absolutely disgusting!!!) to put over the whole thumb or just on the fingernail to try and discourage thumb sucking.

  6. That's just not so true, that may be a silly person

  7. my 16 year old sister Kailah sucks her thumb, but I don't see it as, wierd, its just a habit.

  8. Well it is common,but not a good thing.It actually shifts your teeth(Reason why some people need braces)because your thumb is forever pushing on your tooth/teeth.I do think it is kind of gross,but I wouldn't JUDGE someone because they do that.

    I don't suck my thumb but my eight year old cousin does,still can't get her to stop but we're working on it :).

  9. I stopped sucking my thumb around age 3 or 4.

    Yeah, definitely weird and unhygienic.

  10. I'm 28 and I still suck my thumb when I'm nodding off to sleep or I'm sick. It's just a comfort thing which most people grow out of.

    Who wants to be normal anyway?

  11. I used to know a girl about 16 or 18 who sucked her thumb... I haven't seen her in a while. Its very unusual but sometimes I see people walking around with a pacifier in their mouth, maybe trying to be funny, maybe not. I don't think its gross. I don't think they should do it in public because they are very severely ridiculed for it and thought of as nuts if they do it in public. If they do it in private then they are thought of as just being weird or eccentric but basically harmless.  

  12. Yuck!

    This would be embarassing,

    hope she doesn't do it in public !

    It's probably normal to her,

    but not to me.

  13. i still do it and i'll be 20 next year.

    i had a thumb trap when i was about 7 but once that was taken out i crammed my thumb back in there.

  14. I really enjoy answering questions that ask "is this normal?"  I'm not laughing at your question, but the use of the word 'normal'.  I'm about as not normal as you can be and still be allowed to go outside by myself.  If your sister is sucking on her thumb, it may be more than jsut a bad habit.  More teens than you would belive (and adults too!) suck on their thumbs or pacifiers.  For some it is a stress-reducer, adnthe only way to help others like your sister is to have her open up and actuall ytell you why she does it.    Once you have a reason (o no reason), and if she is willing, then she can be 'weaned' off her thumb.  I've seen adolescents sucking on pacifiers in public, and it reall ydoesn't faze me one way or the other.  Suching your thumb, however, presents more health problems than simp[le toot mis-alignment.  A crack i nthe skin, and all that nasy bacteria from your mouth is not under your skin where it will act  just like snake bite poisoning.  I've seen it too many times in the hospital where i volunteer.  The lucky ones can get treated and relaesed WITH their thumb still attached.  Skin wqarts also are a common problem with thumb suckers.  A crack in the lip or anywhere else, can let the viruses know \n to cause warts to run loose.  I've seen kids with lip wats..the spread like wildfire, and they either have to be heat-burned or cold-burned off.  The scabs later go away eventually, but i have seen cases of kids that looked like someone shot them in the face with a low-power shotgun.  Print this out if you like and show it to your sister.  The points don't matter to me; her health does.  Good luck, and if you do show this to your sister I want her to see this:

    LISTEN to your sister, and read this seriously.  She is only trying to help, an help prevent a much worse problem later.  Tlak with your sister, an listen.  If you need something in your mouth (we are an oral society, try a pacifier.  It may look silly, but certainly no worse than your thumb.

    if she wont listen to you, talk to your parents about it.  Your sister may need more help, but please, don't givee up on her, OK?

  15. ewew ew ew ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

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