
My 16months old son. won't watch TV. He pays no attention to cartoons.. while the other kids are.. any?

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  1. my kids wouldn't watch tv eithr at that age except the wiggles (great now the tunes start) and they had no interest in cartoons till they were like 4-5.

    they liked real people like play school and wiggles, but then i was up dancing and singing with them too.

    does it really matter if he won't watch tv? you do realise its a good thing (except maybe when your trying to get things done and they are hanging off your leg) hhhmmmm ah how about velcro LOL

    be thankful for now because i have to prize mine away with a crowbar

  2. Yeah...keep doing what you're doing.

    Why would a kid that age like tv.

    He's not too old for the bby einstein dvd's show him those.

    You don't want him wrapped up in the tv. I cannot stand when children that age are sat in front of tv in daycares, I think it is absoulte abuse! He is a baby! Let him be a baby, take walks , sing songs and stack blocks.

    He's fine.

  3. Stop showing him tv.  The AAP recommends no tv for kids under 2.  

    Seriously, he doesn't NEED television.  The less he watches, the better.  Enjoy the fact that he doesn't like it!

  4. Whats wrong with you? Why would you want him to watch tv A child that age should never be let near a tv, are you trying to turn him into an idiot?

  5. You shouldn't be putting him in front of the TV anyway! It is not supposed to be your babysitter!

  6. Nothing wrong with that.  Take him outside to play - get him some toys that let him use his imagination.  He doesn't need tv at all!

  7. why are you sitting your 16 month old son in front of the tv instead of giving him developmentally appropriate activities to do?

    and your son isnt payin attention because:

                    16 month old children do not have the same attention span as older children would

                     children at that age need to be more physically, mentally and emotionally stimulated than cartoons and tv.

    talk with your child, do activities with your child, go outside and play with your child, they need stimulation!!!

    i work in daycares and all children need more than tv!!

    hopefully this helps!

    play music and dance with your child, get toys that are appropriate for your child, go to a near by park and play in the sand with your child, make playdough (you can find recipes online) and set it out for your child...there are SO  many activities you can do with your child just search it up online!!

  8. Well when I was 16 months I did'nt watch much TV either. I was mostly sleeping according to my mom. The TV thing should start around the time he learns to speak. Try giving him some colorful toys, crayons, paper, ect. to entertain him.

  9. why are you so worried about him not liking tv. That is a good thing.

  10. Be happy, children shouldn't really watch TV much at all and none at all when they are that young.

  11. Yeh, keep your kid away from the TV.

    Don't make the TV your babysitter.  It is the primary cause of everything from learning disabilities to ADHD.

    Get your kid interested in painting, or coloring, or drawing pictures on the walls, anything is better then TV!

  12. This is good. he will not get addicted to t.v

  13. What's your problem?  That your son doesn't want to be the couch potato you had in mind?

  14. well my daughter didn't ever want to watch cartoons at all when she was that little she was to busy running around getting into stuff give him a few more months and i guarantee he will show some improvement my daughter loves cartoons now, her favorites are Dora the explorer and tom and Jerry how original huh? lol :)

  15. dont make him a couch potato just yet.

  16. why on earth would you want your 16 mon. old watching t.v.??!!  it is not recommended for children under two. it is very bad for your babies brain. try some toys, coloring(while supervised,of course) and just playing.

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