
My 17-month old has low platelet levels. What could this mean?

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I took my daughter to the doctor today because she has had 101 fever for 2 days. I thought she could being have a recurrence of strep-throat since she had it a few weeks ago.

The doc swabbed her throat and did blood work. The strep test was negative (which is good) but her blood count was low - especially her platelets. The doctor seemed concerned and said that they were way too low but wants me to bring her back in a few days to test her again.

What could cause this to happen? Should I be concerned?




  1. Hi Hon... My middle child had very low platelets at 4 months old... i had noticed tiny pin like spots under her skin and nails from head to toe... her count was only 9... Little did i know but she was a massive bruise... But with a fantastic doctor we were plonked into hos ASAP and litterally wrapped her in cotton wool [soft blankets] to stop any further bruising... her platelets were replaced over night and was back home within 24hrs...

    These things just happen in life and are completly out of our control... but if you do feel any more distressed about it dont be affraid to go back to doc earlier...

    And oh yes what a scary job it is... But i wouldnt have it any other way... God help me when they are big enough to drive... x*x

    hope it all goes ok... she should be just fine... sounds like she is in her mummies safe hands x*x

  2. Without knowing what her different blood cell counts were, it's a little hard to say.  There are a lot of different causes for platelets to be low, or for a particular type of white cell to be low, or for red cells to be low.  Your doctor may have some ideas on what he's looking for, but he isn't going to start guessing until he sees another set of blood test results in a few days or in a couple of weeks.  A one-time blood test with odd readings isn't so much a big deal, if her body has replaced the cells within a short period of time.  It's more significant when repeated tests show abnormal levels.

    Platelets are involved in blood clotting, and a low level of platelets could mean your daughter will bleed easily or bruise easily.  Don't worry about it, just keep an eye on her.  Follow up as the doctor recommended.

  3. Your child has an infection.  I know how scary it is when the doctor tells you about odd blood counts.  My son was retested every 6 months due to MY fear after being told he had too many white cells. Low red cells . His blood mimicked leukemia , Then they guessed at   an odd form of mononucleosis .  Just keep your child hydrated and snuggle her as she tolerates.  BIG HUG for you mommy, cuz' being a mom IS scary sometimes.

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