
My 17 month old is getting his adenoids taken out and grommets put in ???

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Hi all I was wanting to know what sort of recovery little ones need when they are having there adenoids removed and grommets put in? Also wanted to know if anyone uses Probiotic supplements for there toddlers and if so has it made a difference?




  1. Hi Bianca.

    Can be frightening can't it! It will be fine. Both my children have had this procedure done when they were 2.

    Recovery is quite fast. From my experience, children of this age tend to wake up crabby, irritable and usually crying. This is due to the anaesthetic, confusion and mild pain. They are given pain relief usually just before they wake up in the form of a suppository. Then it is cuddles and comfort by you till they have settled down. The nurses are on the ball and observe them during this time. They are given cold things to drink or suck due to sore throat). You are both usually allowed to leave if they have had something to eat and drink.

    Both my children were fine within 3 hours or so. In fact, if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes i would not believe that either. They were running around and back to normal. There was the follow up appointment after a few weeks.

    As far as probiotics goes, well i had been (and still do occasionally) give yoghurt with the cultures and Yakult. Due to numerous ear infections and having to give antibiotics i thought this to be the right thing. Personally, i do not really notice a difference compared to children who do not have them. At the age of two - three they pick up every bug going around (as you would know!) anyway.

  2. Having his adenoids (and I would suspect his tonsils too) shouldn't be too big a deal post-op. He will have a bit of a sore throat and may not want to drink or eat much, but you can give him cold drink or soft, cold foot to eat. The cold will help some of the discomfort (the traditional post T&A treat is ice-cream).

    I use probiotics, and have given them to some of the children I've cared for; but only in response to diarrhea of more than a few days duration. With the exception of a daily vitamin, there really aren't too many supplements an otherwise healthy tot would need. If he has had diarrhea for more than 2 days, he may benefit from the recolonization effect of a probiotic, but otherwise he doesn't really need it.

    Good luck with the surgery... It will probably be harder on you than on him.

  3. My daughter had grommets put in when she was 4.Its a straight forward procedure but she was very groggy and irritable when she woke up.The nurses gave her a icy pole to suck on cause they can wake up with a dry sore throat.By the next couple of days she was fine.The grommets do fall out later on cause their ears grow.She had her adenoids and tonsils out last November now that for me was a night mare for the whole 2 weeks she had to have ice packs on her jaw bone on both sides cause they opened her mouth to wide,she had pain relief as well for the pain.My daughter has inner health plus powder for kids(from the chemist)she doesn't even know shes having it there is no taste.It does help her tummy especially when she has a stomach bug.She also has yakult everyday.I'm not sure how old your child can be to have these my child is 7.Goodluck!

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