
My 17 month old son went to the doc and they said he has a chest infection but did not give him ?

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a script for medication, i thought h would need medication to treat it and the doc just said bring him back if he gets worse? Should i see another doctor?




  1. Doctors are cutting back on the amount of antibiotics prescribed.

    Most infections, sore throats etc are viral and don't need antibiotics.

    Over use of antibiotics is thought to be one of the reasons MRSA, C Dif and other nasties are resistant.

    If your son gets worse, then take him back.

  2. Depends on the infection.  Upper Respiratory Infections are more like a cold and can't be treated with antibiotics, you just have to use a cool or warm mist humidifier to help with congestion and don't use cough meds because that can lead to pneumonia and just keep him comfortable.  If he gets worse then they may prescribe something else like breathing treatments or meds depending on what the infection is.  Make sure he isn't out in the heat and isn't around smoke or allergens (if he has allergy).  

  3. Definitely get a 2nd opinion, the doc should of given you a script for antibiotics, children get go from a simple chest infection to something much more sinister and serious and should not ignored. If the doc said he definitely had a chest infection he needs antibiotics asap, Chest infections can turn nasty rather quickly

  4. I understand how you feel as this happens every time I take either of my two boys to the doctors. I complained once and demanded to see another doctor who explained to me why they say this. Apparently now they are not allowed to issue antibiotics for the first few days as they have been advised that the infection should clear up or have the chance to clear up by itself. I know it sounds ludicrous and all you want is for you child to get better but they wouldn't give me anything just said to give him pain relief and if he was still bad in 48 hours to take him back.

    I don't know where this has come from but they just wont give babies and toddlers antibiotics straight away at the moment.

    I would go back to your GP and tell him that you are not happy and the pain relief you are giving him is not helping and see what he does then.

  5. seek medical advice, I'm not a doctor and i certainly don't play one on tv. ;)

  6. It depends.  If he is not suffering too much it may just need time.  The doctor may also think it is viral which means antibiotics will not work.  Plus if you have read the news most meds. for colds and the such are not safe for babies or young children(have been known to kill).  Just give it a 72 hrs and then if he is not better or is getting worst call the doctor again. Viruses are a real pain in the butt because there is really nothing you can do about them.  You can just try to keep him comfortable which unfortunately is all you can really do with a virus. I know you are worried but this is what I know and have been through.  

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