
My 17 year old got a Curfew Ticket and Possession of Alcohol?

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My daughter was at a friends house and I guess the police came due to someone got hurt.. They kicked everyone out of the house and then gave them curfew tickets, the cop called me and told me that I needed to come pick up my daughter and that she had been drinking but only giving her a curfew ticket. By the time I got there they gave her a curfew ticket and added posssession of alcohol which they are claiming was in the car she was sitting by, but she wasn't in the car.. How could she fight this? She is 17 years old, She will be 17 when wer go to court and will be 18 in October. If she does get in trouble what will be her punishment? She doesn't have a license yet, so she can't get it taken away?




  1. well they can delay when she gets the liscense when she passes her test...and you should learn how to be a better parent

  2. be pro-active and help your daughter by being a good parent. She's only 17 and the laws are in place to help keep your daughter safe. This is a wake up call for you and your daughter. The police notified you and cited her because of civil guidance. Sign up for some effective parenting classes and present to judge. May go easy on first offense if you and daughter admit to mistake  

  3. why would you want to fight it?  she is guilty of violation of curfew by not having adult supervision.  she is guilty of being in possession.

    she should know better than to be at a party like this.

    you are lucky the cop cared enough to call you.  you should be thankful.  not vengeful.  who knows.  the cop might have saved your daughters life, should she have gotten in a car with an intoxicated driver.

    don't fight it.  make this an example of a situation of doing the wrong thing and help your daughter learn from it.

    she was 17 at the time of the violation, doesn't matter what age she is for the court date.  she may receive fines, probation or community service.

    be an adult and parent, not a friend.

  4. If your daughter is in Illinois , she will get a license suspension, whether or not she has a license.

    The SOS office will assign her a number and suspend it for three months.

    That is over and above any other penalties.

  5. they can prevent her from getting a license for a 6 months or a year.  If she is guilty there isn't much to fight against...../

  6. The curfew violation is not too serious.  You need to concentrate on the possession of alcohol charge ... that's the charge that will affect your daughter's life profoundly in the near future.

    She needs a lawyer.  She will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she was not in possession of alcohol on the night (including any alcohol in her system).  Failure to do so will result in high fines, a suspension of her driving privileges, possibly until she is 21, and maybe even probation with alcohol counseling.  

    You know your daughter better than anyone here ... was she drinking on that night?  Was the alcohol in the car hers?  If so, you might want to make her pay the penalty for her offenses!  

  7. She was drinking and thus is guilty. I do not think you are a bad parent just because this happened to her. Kids make mistakes, even when they have wonderful parents. I do think it is bad parenting to try to help her get off when she is guilty of underage drinking.


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