
My 17 year old insists she has become a nudist and has taken to prancing around the house

by Guest561  |  earlier

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She's started this last week, and since then has given away 2 garbage bags full of her clothes including brand new items.

I, as her mom, have no problem with this; I believe we are all free and entitled to our own opinions.

My problem is that her step-dad and older step-brother live with us and I have noticed them staring at her in places they shouldn't.

Furthermore, the other day she was naked in her brother's room, lying on the bed playing the ps3 with him.

Is this inappropriate?

Am I giving too much freedom?




  1. 3 answers with the same advice - word for word: what is this s**t?


  2. She shouldn't be giving away her clothes but there is NOTHING wrong with the rest of this. Her step dad and step brother aren't used to seeing her naked so it's natural for their attention to be drawn to the "new" things to see - doesn't mean anything bad. And ask yourself: "would this be appropriate with clothes" regarding other situations like her playing the PS3 on her brother's bed - if the answer is "yes", then it's appropriate without clothes.

    Also don't tell her to cover up - that's one reason loads of non-nudist kids have self-esteem issues.


    Also ignore the guest who told you to beat her - anyone in their right mind knows that IS child abuse. And beating her for being happy with her body? What kind of message would that send. Ignore the right-wing nutters.

  3. She shouldn't be giving away her clothed but there is NOTHING wrong with the rest of this. Her step dad and step brother aren't used to seeing her naked so it's natural for their attention to be drawn to the "new" things to see - doesn't mean anything bad. And ask yourself: "would this be appropriate with clothes" regarding other situations like her playing the PS3 on her brother's bed - if the answer is "yes", then it's appropriate without clothes.

    Also don't tell her to cover up - that's one reason loads of non-nudist kids have self-esteem issues.

  4. She shouldn't be giving away her clothed but there is NOTHING wrong with the rest of this. Her step dad and step brother aren't used to seeing her naked so it's natural for their attention to be drawn to the "new" things to see - doesn't mean anything bad. And ask yourself: "would this be appropriate with clothes" regarding other situations like her playing the PS3 on her brother's bed - if the answer is "yes", then it's appropriate without clothes.

Question Stats

Latest activity: 10 years, 9 month(s) ago.
This question has 4 answers.


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