
My 17 yr. old daughter just got contact's. They itch and one {left} of them water's alot.She keep's applying

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the rewetting solution.How long does it really take to get used to them completly? other than that, she love's them! She say's now she can watch tv laying down and can see out of the side's of her eye's, not like when she had glasses on. So do they burn every single time you put them on in the morning? Thank you!




  1. I have worn contacts for almost 8 years and I cant really remember how long it took for me to get used to them. I would say either a week or two weeks for her eyes to get completely comfortable. Even after 8 years my eyes still burn randomly when applying them. Make sure her hands are clean (no lotion or make up on them) and the contact case is clean. If her eyes stay dry or keep watering, Acuvue Oasis are wonderful. I realize she already has her brand,  but if she needs to change I would recommend them.

  2. certain contacts are just not compatible with certain eyes. i have been wearing contacts for about 14 years.  it was nothing to get used to them, but once i tried colored lenses and they drove me crazy. if they keep bothering her, i'd go back to the eye doctor and ask for a sample of another type of lens. i wear the acuvue oasys lenses and i love them. they are so comfortable.

  3. She needs to switch to a different solution or contact brand, assuming she has been cleaning them correctly.  Have her call her eye doctor.There shouldn't be any reactions when you wear them.

    Burning is a reaction that says something is wrong.

  4. sounds like you should be calling the eye doctor and not an anonymous website for medical advice.

    Being a contact lens wearer for years, it sounds like the contacts either do not fit, or she is allergic or at least not tolerating the solution.  Most likely the saline is irritating her eyes.  She needs a saline free solution like Unisol.

    I'd get her back into the eye doctor today before she does damage to the eye.

  5. She needs to switch to a different brand. I tried about 4 different brands before I found a pair that were comfortable for me. Every eye works differently and it is just a matter of trying them until you find the right one. The doctor shouldn't charge an additional price because finding the proper contacts is part of the doctors job.

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