
My 17 yr old son has broken his ankle, hes going on holiday to tenerife in aug. Will the airline let him fly?

by  |  earlier

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My son would still like to go and also will he be able to get travel insurance. He is going with his girlfriend and her family




  1. Yes you can still fly by all airlines you just need to have all your paper work with you to prove that it is going to heal and it is all currect and another way to keep Travel Insurance down would be just to go to a Hosptial befoure the return jurney home to get them to write on paper that you are safe for the resturing flight

  2. Of course, they will even drive him around in golf carts and wheel chair him to the curb.  Tell him to remember to tip his helper.

  3. yes

  4. Yes a higher rate though

  5. Why wouldn't they?  Is there danger of a blood clot due to the accident?  Ask his doctor. If anything, he might be able to get a wheelchair and assistance to board early.

    The only thing he will not be covered for with travel insurance is "pre existing" conditions. That means he can not cancel for any reason related to his ankle.

    Other than that. Sure! No problem.

    You need a travel agent. Find a good one and treat them like gold.

  6. Yes, they will for sure if you put him in first class............

  7. they should let him fly, double check with his airline before u make definate plans. Hope he gets better soon!

  8. if eh's going w/ somebody then there should b no prob

  9. I presently have a broke ankle, and I've called the airlines here in Baton Rouge about this. Yes, by law they must accomodate. Wish him a happy holiday!

  10. yes its not a problem

  11. Of course.

  12. Unless he's eight months pregnant or more...he's allowed to fly!!

  13. of course he can travel.

    he will also have a special treatment

    if s ryanair he s flying with,he ll be boardin b4 any other adult without children (they also have priority)

  14. if he still has cast on when due to fly the answer will probably be NO this is due to pressure causing leg to swell inside cast. you may need to get hospital to open cast and use tape to secure while on hols airtours allow this method, same prob happened to hubby and this is the advise the airline gave us then so please check b4 you go,he will be able to get travel insurance try "more than" and make sure you tell them about his leg as they will cover this also

    hope everything goes well :)

  15. Check with the airline & get it in writing as they are a law unto themselves

  16. course they will

    even send a wheelchair if you let em know

  17. course. why not? they should...and if they dont u can sue them for dicrimination lol

  18. yep

  19. i dont think so but dont listen 2 me ok i dont know so tell him i said good luck with it

  20. I have got a good news for you ...Yes is the Answer to your Questions my dear ...

    Now you can vote for me , I need extra points ...Please :))))

  21. You can fly on an airplane while on crutches. No problem. Just let the airline know you will be needing special assistance at boarding & deplaning time. They will let you board first and should offer travel assistance to & from the gate (those little motorized transport carts that they drive people around in).

  22. yes,call them

  23. as long as he's not got a serious infection like SARS, there should be no problems.

  24. Ring the airline!

  25. Friend of mine wasn't allowed to fly when cast was removed day before he was due to fly in case of dvt. Best ask consultant for advice during treatment. Sorry not sure about insurance.

  26. I am SURE they will.....why are you concerned?  A broken bone doesn't affect him sitting in an airplane seat.....

  27. YES! As long as he is ambulatory and otherwise healthy.

  28. Why wouldn't they?

    As long as he didn't kick a flight attendant and break his ankle...

  29. He will be able to fly. Best to let the airline know as some can request medical seats so that he can have extra leg room. Usually if people are in plaster the airline recommend you to get it split to allow for swelling due to cabin pressure and also due to the heat when he's on holiday. Just for him to be more comfortable.

  30. DUH! of course they will. its not like they dont let wheelchair personells fly! wait...................

  31. I don't know why they wouldn't let him fly.  As long as he can get on and off the plane there shouldn't be a problem.  What you need to do is get assistance for him at the airport so he doesn't have to walk to and from the gates.  Call the airlines to see what they offer.  They have little golf carts that can drive him to the gate so he doesn't have to walk a long way.

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