
My 18 mo. eats crayons - any way to get him to stop?

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He eats crayons ALL the time. His big sister colors alot and though we pick them up right away, sometimes there is that one that's left out or he finds one somewhere, and he just eats it. Not just chews on it, but literately eats it. Now, he's been HIDING when he has one, knowing that we'll take it away. I don't get it. He eats all of his meals and snacks, so he's not hungry. I don't get why he eats crayons. They can't possibly taste good, right? lol.




  1. WOw... People answers here are just random!

    But okay... when ever you see your son taking crayons you gotta watch him in the eyes with a bad look ;( "similarity" who says, don't you dear!  hehe... this should hesitate him then you take the crayons off him.

    - Give him a good cheer when he hands you the crayons :)

  2. he will out grow it just take them away when you catch him - I think all kids do that I know both of mine did.

  3. Its not about taste its about feel.  The texture of the waxy crayon and the way it feels against his sensory nerves and teeth etc.  You should check but I don't believe there is any real danger in him getting the odd crayon now and then.  What you should be concerned about is that you taught your son to hide when he's doing something he perceives as wrong.  Don't react when you catch him with the crayon just gently take it away and give him something else to do.  Many things little kids do are just to learn right and wrong in the world.  If you don't react to things as bad then they finish the experiment and move on to other things.  You have a normal scientist on your hands.  Keep the crayons away like you have been but don't react when he gets one.  He may even get a kick out of being at the table with you and your 3 year old and coloring.  I would suggest going to a local newspaper office and asking about a 'roll end' That you can spread over your table for him to color on before he learns to color on a smaller piece of paper.

    By the way Tabasco doesn't work.  Like I said it isn't about taste and he will cry and continue to eat the crayon.  This holds true for any poisons in your house.  So please do a safety check even if you think you have childproofed your house.

  4. He'll outgrow it for sure. Kids eat and try alot of strange things that's for sure. I don't imagine they taste very good. I work with preschoolers and have seen kids eat sand, playdough, name it. Some kids just need to try these things and put everything in their mouths. Just make sure anything you buy that he might eat is non-toxic!

  5. If i were you I would just not let my daughter use crayons. Try markers or colored pencils. Also try giving your son a T-spoon of Tabasco sauce if he does it. I guarantee he wont eat another crayon again.

  6. Continue taking them away, that is about all you can do.  I wouldn't worry about it too much, Crayons are non-toxic for pretty much this very reason.  ^_- I went though a phase when I ate a bunch of Play-Doh as a kid.  Play-Doh is salty and for some reason I really liked the taste.  There is probably something in the crayons that your son likes the taste of, or maybe he likes the way they crunch in his mouth.  I think a lot of the time stuff like that with kids is due to the fact that they are exploring the use of their teeth.  

    I wouldn't worry about it too much.  If it really freaks you out, talk to his pediatrician about it.  But I'm sure it isn't a big deal.  Have you tried substituting the crayon with food? Would he maybe like something that is a similar shape that also crunches, like a baby carrot or a celery stick?

    Good luck!

  7. Let your three year old color at a higher table he cannot reach. Put the crayons and paper on a tray with a lip all the way around so that the crayons cannot roll off. Don't worry too much, lots of kids do this. Just make sure the crayons are nontoxic. Some of the cheap dollar store brands are not tested and labeled properly.

  8. ok, i have a 6 year old artist and an 18 month old aswell.

    Kids dont eat these things cause they are hungry, they eat it cause anything they find will go straight into the mouth..

    You have to pick every last crayon up. Look on the floor and get your daughter to keep an eye out if she accidently drops one, make sure she knows to pick it up right away.

    I have cats that like to lay on the drawing table with my daughter and swat the crayons on the floor and play with them...My daughter knows to get off her chair and pick it up, like now, so her sister dosnt get it.

    Most crayons now a days are not toxic, so health wize it shouldnt be an issue, but all you have to do is keep a closer eye out...

    if he gets a hold of a crayon, tell him no, take it away, and take him to his toys...he shouldnt be left alone long enough to hide and eat a whole crayon.

    If my daughter is quiet for more then 15 seconds, i know she is up to no good.

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